Unit 2: Promote Personal Development in Care Settings Assessment Answer

Personal development means different things to different individuals depending on the type of care they receive, such as ex-offenders, people with physical disabilities and intellectual disabilities, autism, or sensory impairments.

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Individuals in care homes and those receiving domiciliary care, especially those participating in assisted living schemes and Shared Lives arrangements, often need assistance with personal growth.

The methods by which a care provider supports the personal development of its service users should be reflected in their service user information packs and in the job requirements of care workers required to assist people with their personal development.

Personal growth should not be equated with the needs of children and adolescents. It applies to people of all ages and stages of life. As a result, care providers would need to address the personal development needs of their older service users in the same way that they would for their younger service users, as shown by their needs evaluations and care plans.

1. Understand what is required for competence in own work role

Organizational rules, a code of ethics, confidentiality policies, legislation, minimum expectations, and other relevant legal provisions all affect how the job is done. Assistance from co-workers on an informal basis, assistance from classes, taken, supervisors, and managers on a formal basis.

Events in our lives or the lives of others mustn’t influence our work with children, such as family problems, relationship problems, or work problems, because bringing these issues into work can affect our behavior or communication with the children, which can affect us.

1.1. Describe the duties and responsibilities of your work role

1.2. Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards

1.3. Describe how to work effectively with others

2. Be able to reflect on practice.

It is important to figure out what we need to work on and concentrate on this idea while keeping in mind that other things can be done away from it. As well as drawing from the strengths and weaknesses of others, it will help you learn, develop, and sharpen your abilities. We want to evaluate what we do well so that we can see where we can improve; to assure ourselves of this, we can look at our strengths and limits; moreover, it helps us assess how well we’re meeting standards and expectations. When it comes to keeping our patients safe, we will have to always keep in mind what we are doing and be conscious of the children while we do it.

2.1. Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided

2.2. Reflect on practice to improve the quality of the service provided

2.3. Describe how own values, belief systems, and experiences may affect working practice

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3. Be able to evaluate your performance.

As diverse as people as we are, we all have different thoughts, views, and beliefs. All viewpoints are valued (but they should not), and we should provide our assistance in an unbiased manner and not allow our personal views to affect our judgment in how we relate to clients.

Under the tenets of personal and societal responsibility, health and social work principles, and values, there are several situations in which service and care delivery are considered. Someone who chooses not to share the client’s desire to provide meat-based meals to people with diabetes and food allergies

If the person rarely talks, don’t assume he is deaf. If you refuse to help anyone because of their religious views, you will not celebrate their celebration with them. Inviting someone who does not care about religion to participate in the event means a lot to you but is meaningful to them.

Assumptions made while expanding include the idea that all individuals with a specific illness or demographic would act in the same way. Some anglers conclude that fish are inherently cruel, which is why they refuse to fish individually.

3.1. Evaluate own knowledge, performance, and understanding against relevant standards

3.2. Use feedback to evaluate own performance and inform the development

4. Be able to agree on a personal development plan.

After reviewing almost everything written or said about personal growth, I have concluded that success requires self-confidence. Trust is the key to success with everything you do because, with the correct amount of it, you can put almost everything out of your mind as a challenge.

The techniques and principles covered in this article will go well beyond the usual discussion of personal growth and include knowledge about new ways to be a better person. Many workers fail to discover hidden skills that can help them rise to prominence because they are convinced that mastery of a specific area is necessary for any given profession.

Hard work is indispensable; it is the only method that will get you what you want.” The important thing is not to have a single, unmet expectation; rather, to pursue goals consistently all your personal growth and advancement, day in and day out. All the good ideas you’ve ever thought of will be in front of you if you’re creative enough to imagine them.

Make a promise to study for the rest of your life. You may be at the top of your career, and there will always be more you need to understand, even with the most seasoned professionals. By creating your own goals and developing yourself into a better person, you can see all the opportunities you have in front of you becoming limitless.

4.1. Identify sources of support for planning and reviewing own development

4.2. Work with others to review and prioritize own learning needs, professional interests, and development opportunities 

4.3. Work with others to agree on their own personal development plan

5. Be able to use learning opportunities and reflective practice to contribute to personal development.

The ability to reflect will increase self-awareness. Another aspect of emotional intelligence, also called EI, is invaluable in understanding others. Your participation in reflection can also assist in the growth of innovative problem solving and get you actively involved in all the various processes you use to handle work.

It’s a better idea to maintain a personal learning journal in addition to an organizational diary to help you and enhance job conversations, which include both personal and professional facets. Having a set of competencies and examples to use during an interview would also prepare you for the unexpected.

Students should also be familiar with the many ways that expand their learning by using the Expand option to enhance their experience at work and in life. reflective practice will help you be reducing the amount of time and effort you put into things, but take some time to put into adopting

5.1. Evaluate how learning activities have affected practice

5.2. Explain how reflective practice has led to improved ways of working

5.3. Explain why continuing professional development is important

5.4. Record progress about personal development

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