6.3. Describe the actions to take if suspected abuse or unsafe practices have been reported, but nothing has been done in response.

Course- Level 3 diploma in care (RQF)

Unit 7 – Safeguarding and Protection in Care Settings

L.O 6 – Know how to recognise and report unsafe practices

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6.3. Describe the actions to take if suspected abuse or unsafe practices have been reported, but nothing has been done in response

Reporting abuse or unsafe practices is an important step in keeping oneself and others safe, but it’s equally important to follow up on the report to ensure that something is done in response. If one reports abuse or unsafe practices and nothing seems to be done, it’s essential to reach out to a supervisor or other authority figure to ensure that the situation is being addressed.

Additionally, it may be helpful to keep a record of whom you reported the issue to, as well as dates and times, in case further action needs to be taken.

If one suspects that others are not being protected from abuse or unsafe practices, there are resources available to keep them safe. A supervisor or other authority figure may have ways of keeping individuals safe in the future, and they can also help ensure that any action taken after reporting is documented for later reference. Recording the name of the person with whom the report was filed and the date and time of the filing can be particularly helpful in this situation, in case further action needs to be taken.

When you suspect that someone is being abused or unsafe practices are being utilized, your first step should be reporting to a supervisor. They have the ability to help keep individuals safe in the future, and will likely have specific steps they’d like you to take about the incident reported. Additionally, they’ll document any action taken after reporting for later reference. This can be especially helpful if more than one report needs to be filed.

It may also be useful to keep a record of whom you reported the issue to, along with any specific actions that they told you they would take and when they said they would complete them by. This can prevent any difficulties about what was agreed upon and who did what later, and it can also be helpful in case there needs to be a follow-up report filed.

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