Unit 12: Understand safeguarding and protection in health and social care settings

Course: NVQ Level 4 Diploma In Health And Social Care (RQF)

All health and social care settings need to be safeguarded and protected from abuse, neglect, or mistreatment. This includes people who work in these environments as well as the individuals they are caring for. In order to safeguard your workplace environment, it’s important that everyone understands their various roles and responsibilities when it comes to safeguarding themselves, others, and the organization they work within.

The Level 4 Diploma in Care unit ‘Understand Safeguarding and Protection of in Health and Social Care Settings‘ explores legislation, responsibilities relating to safeguarding and protecting people from harm. It covers signs that may indicate they are being abused/neglected as well what one should do if their concerns arise but also working with other agencies so cases can be properly handled while protecting vulnerable clients’ rights along the way!

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LO1: Understand the impact of current legislation for the safeguarding of adults at risk of abuse and neglect in health and social care settings

It’s important that you not only understand safeguarding and protection legislation but also how it works within the health and social care industry. There are various pieces of legislation in place that protect adults who might be at risk of abuse, neglect, or mistreatment.

Legislation aimed at protecting adults who might be in danger is usually referred to as ‘Equality Legislation’. This legislation states that if an adult turns out to be maltreated by individuals within the health and social care industry, then this should be reported. It also means that all health and social care professionals must report any suspected child abuse or neglect, even if the adult isn’t in your care.

Explain the current legislative framework that underpins the safeguarding of vulnerable adults within own UK home nation

Legislation exists to ensure that adults who might be in danger are protected. It means that health and social care professionals should report all suspected cases of abuse, neglect, or must care. Dismissing a case as an exaggeration, not serious enough, or untrue could be viewed as a breach of trust and/or professional failure due to lack of action.

The legislation covers different areas of abuse and neglect. It also states that any form of abuse or neglect towards an adult is illegal, regardless of whether you are employed by a health or social care agency or not. Under this legislation, there are four major types of abuse.

Information on the legislation of safeguarding and protection within a person’s own workplace that underpins the provision of health and social care services for people at risk of harm or neglect including those working in health and social care settings.

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Explain how current national guidelines and local policies and procedures for safeguarding affect your day to day work

It’s important that you know how safeguarding and protection within your own workplace affect day-to-day work. It should also be noted that everyone working within a health and social care environment must make sure they are aware of local policies and procedures regarding safeguarding. This includes keeping up-to-date with safe recruitment practices along with monitoring vulnerable adults’ well-being at all appropriate times throughout providing their care.

National guidelines and local policies/procedures for safeguarding affect your day-to-day work. For example, you need to be aware of how to report abuse, neglect, or mistreatment in the workplace. It’s also necessary to recognize those signs that indicate a person is being abused as well as what one should do if they suspect a case of abuse/neglect, etc. Lastly, it’s a requirement that you provide support and refer cases to the right authorities if you suspect a person is being abused or neglected in any way to ensure prompt action can be taken.

In order to safeguard your workplace environment, it’s important that everyone understands their various roles and responsibilities when it comes to safeguarding themselves, others, and the organization they work within.

Explain own responsibilities relating to the current legislative framework with regard to safeguarding

It’s important that you understand your responsibilities relating to safeguarding legislation. As a health and social care professional this includes understanding how laws surrounding adult protection impact your day-to-day work as well as knowing where to go should you suspect a person is being treated in an abusive or neglectful way.

Everyone regardless of role or title should report any suspected cases of abuse to the appropriate authorities. Any failure to do so could be viewed as a breach of trust and/or professional failure.

Safeguarding legislation means that all health care professionals must ensure they know their roles and responsibilities within protecting vulnerable adults who might be at risk of harm or neglect from other individuals who might be caring for them. It’s also essential that you are aware of how your own agency handles safeguarding concerns. The procedures outlined by your organization should outline situations that require reporting if they exist within your workplace environment.

It’s important that everyone in a health and social care environment keeps up to date with current recommendations from safeguarding agencies, etc. when it comes to maintaining a safe working environment for themselves and others. This includes understanding the signs which might indicate an adult is being subject to abuse or neglect as well as knowing how to report such concerns within work settings.

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LO2: Understand how to respond to suspected or alleged abuse

It’s important that everyone knows how to respond when they suspect or are aware of an adult in their care is being mistreated by other individuals within the work environment. There are clear steps for reporting cases of abuse and neglect which should be followed each time they occur. It’s also necessary that once this information has been provided, that it’s reported to the relevant agencies for further action.

Everyone should be familiar with how they can report abuse, neglect, or mistreatment. There are several different avenues for reporting suspected/alleged abuse including the NHS, police, local authority social care department, or via your own organization’s safeguarding team. It’s essential that everyone knows the procedures to follow if they suspect a person is being abused, neglected, or mistreated in any way. Anyone who is aware of abuse occurring within their work environment must report it to the appropriate authorities without delay.

Describe signs and symptoms associated with the following types of abuse: a. physical abuse, b. sexual abuse, c. emotional/psychological abuse, d. financial abuse, e. institutional abuse, f. self-neglect, g. neglect by others, h. discriminatory abuse

Physical abuse is evidenced by the identification of injuries which might include: bruising, sprains, broken bones, or limbs. These sorts of injuries might also be seen as a result of an accident and thus further investigation will need to take place in order to confirm whether they’re caused by maltreatment.

Sexual abuse is evidenced by an individual who displays inappropriate sexual behaviors or knowledge that can’t be explained by normal means. Behaviors that could indicate an adult is being sexually abused might also include excessive nudity in public or private settings or unnecessarily revealing clothing. It might also be evidenced by an inability to discuss sexual topics or seeming sexually naive.

Emotional/psychological abuse is evidenced by an individual who presents with low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, or who expresses feelings of being worthless or insignificant. These individuals might have experienced some form of emotional trauma in the past which has left them unable to cope with new experiences at the present time.

Financial abuse is evidenced when it’s clear that an individual isn’t getting access to their own financial resources despite having the ability to do so themselves. This could be seen in situations where they lack the necessary money for food and clothing despite having enough funds in their bank account or any situation where someone else is controlling how their finances are spent (e.g. an adult who has dementia, etc.).

Institutional abuse is evidenced in situations where it’s apparent that someone isn’t receiving adequate care or support when they’re in the residential unit of their local authority or when living in a private care home where clear standards exist within the same (e.g. not enough staff, poor quality food, little activities available, etc.).

Self-neglect seems to be evident when individuals are unable to provide themselves with adequate care for body and hygiene needs. This presents itself by being clearly underweight, smelly/dirty due to lack of bathing or laundry facilities, aren’t able to wash without help from others, having poorly kept homes or clothes which don’t meet acceptable levels of cleanliness are indeed all ways this abuse can be seen.

Neglect by others is evidenced when it becomes clear that someone has been denied care/support which would have prevented injury or death. The potential for serious harm to occur as a result of not receiving the right level of care should always be at the forefront of everyone’s minds when they work with vulnerable people, especially children who are too young to take responsibility for themselves.

Discriminatory abuse is evident when it becomes clear that an individual is being treated unfairly based on their age, gender, race, sexuality, or disability. Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect within all settings regardless of who they are or what they believe in.

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Explain actions to take if there are suspicions that an individual is being abused

If you have any sort of suspicions that someone is being abused then it’s always best to talk to them as soon as possible. Even if they do not reveal their situation to you, you should still report your concerns. A disclosure of abuse isn’t a requirement in most situations but it can be helpful in getting the individual the help they need.

If someone is ready to talk, be empathetic and make sure that you’re supportive. If you suspect abuse is taking place then it’s your duty to report your concerns if there are significant risks involved with staying silent. If you’re unsure about what to do then it’s best to contact your local Childline or social services department. You can find out how to contact your local Childline helpline by visiting this link.

If the abuse is taking place within the home, don’t be afraid to involve other family members in the situation. If they are aware of what is happening and choose to stay quiet then they are just as guilty as the abuser so don’t be afraid to report them on suspicions of abuse too.

Explain actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused

If a vulnerable person has disclosed that they are being abused then it’s important for you not to influence their statements. The only way anyone can be sure about what is happening is through gathering evidence from multiple sources which could include the victim, any witnesses, and taking statements from those who have been accused of harming them too.

If someone is willing to give a statement, allow them to do so by asking open questions which don’t put pressure on them to answer in certain ways. Make sure you have the right resources available for whoever is involved in the situation as it can be really traumatic for everyone concerned.

Explain how to raise concerns, including whistleblowing, when suspected abuse has been reported but the procedure does not appear to have been followed

There will be situations where someone may report their suspicions of abuse but the person they report their concerns to doesn’t seem to follow procedure and nothing happens. If your concerns aren’t addressed then it’s important that you take your issues further by finding ways to raise them within an organization.

If you’re unable to contact those who should be dealing with things then it may be useful to go over the head of these people and find a higher-ranked manager or senior member of staff. This way, you can get your issues looked into without having to wait for them to be investigated by the right people.

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LO3: Understand how to participate in inter-agency, joint, or integrated working in order to protect vulnerable adults

Inter-agency, joint, or integrated working can be used to create bigger solutions for problems that are too difficult to manage on your own.

If you’re involved in an inter-agency situation then it’s important to get the right support so you can work effectively with other people who might have different ways of looking at things. If someone is more experienced than you in dealing with similar situations then it’s best to accept their knowledge and allow them free reign to do what they feel is needed.

If a person has already been accused of abusing someone, sharing information about the case between agencies could cause conflict as there may not be much evidence supporting either side. It’s still possible for these parties to together and form plans which will help to ensure that someone isn’t in danger.

If you’re working with an agency that is involved in a difficult situation then it’s important for them to take responsibility for helping out and keeping things under control.

Explain agreed protocols for working in partnership with other organizations

If you’re working alongside other organizations then it’s important that you use agreed protocols for everything that is done.

You should work together to draft up an agreement that will outline your joint goals, how conflicts can be resolved, and what support will be offered by each partner if the situation escalates. Everyone involved in the partnership needs to follow this agreement which should be reviewed at least once every 12 months to ensure that everything is working out how it was initially agreed.

If there are any changes then the new additions should be added into the protocols and everyone needs to re-sign on them so they know what’s expected of them in future situations.

Explain own role in partnership working

When working in a partnership it’s important that all parties know their role and how they contribute to the situation.

If you’re in a subordinate position and there may be any chance of conflict occurring then it’s best not to take on any responsibility for things unless you’ve been given the right training and support.

You need to make sure you can work under someone else before you accept an official position with another organization or agency, but if that person isn’t willing to give you enough education then it might be better not to get involved until this is sorted out.

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LO4: Understand how to support others in safeguarding

Safeguarding vulnerable adults is something everyone should be involved in, and this is especially true of those who work closely with them. There will always be situations where an individual might not be able to defend themselves from someone who has malicious intent towards them, and it’s important that if you know they’re being abused then you let others know as soon as possible.

If someone asks for help then it’s best that you don’t ignore this request or dismiss what they say without listening to their concerns. It isn’t your job to determine the validity of claims but instead offers support and try to find ways to ensure they aren’t hurt by anyone else. If you can provide any additional information about what’s happening then please do so but make sure to try and remain independent in your assessment of the situation.

If something serious has happened then it’s important that you contact your manager or HR department as soon as possible. You should be trained on how to deal with these situations and will always need someone to help guide you through what steps should be taken next when dealing with abuse, harassment, or violence. If you’re unsure about anything then speak to them directly and they’ll take care of everything else for you so you can focus on helping the person who is in trouble.

Explain how to support others to raise concerns

It’s important that if someone is suffering from abuse then you’ll need to show them how they can raise concerns about their situation.

If they are being harassed or bullied by other members of the organization then it’s best to get in touch with your HR department as soon as possible. They will want to know who is involved, any evidence for this behavior, and what action should be taken against the person who has acted badly towards another worker.

If there’s something more serious happening then you’ll need to contact your local authorities directly so that they take care of everything else. It isn’t always easy for people who are suffering from abuse to decide what they should do next but trust others with information that might help give you insight into what kind of help they need to get from those who can take responsibility for removing them from their current predicament.

Explain how to support others during the safeguarding process

If you know someone is being abused and they haven’t raised concerns on their own behalf then it’s your responsibility to help provide them with the support they need.

It isn’t always easy for others to come forward about abuse, but if they’ve confided in you then it’s important that you don’t dismiss their complaint without offering more insight into this situation. You’ll want to make sure you follow all of the steps outlined by higher management and will also need to ensure everyone else is following what needs to be done as part of a safeguarding investigation.

Often these investigations will require sensitive information from those involved, and this means that privacy is very important during this time. You should make sure that everything which happens during an interview or investigation is kept private so that the person who is being accused of abuse isn’t able to influence their friends or work colleagues.

If you’re one of those involved in an investigation then it’s important that you are always honest with what you have seen, heard, or know about the situation. You should do everything possible to help provide evidence that will be used during any hearing but make sure not to say anything which could compromise your position during this time.

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