This case study concerns the regulatory framework around whistleblowing and the role of the whistle-blower: Business and Law Report, UOB, UK

University University of Bristol (UOB)
Subject Business and Law

This case study concerns the regulatory framework around whistleblowing and the role of the whistle-blower.

Please read the following statement: “Traditionally known as the ‘Snitch” or the ‘Traitor’, the Whistle-blower, especially in the corporate services firms, should be rebranded as the ‘CEO’s Best Friend. In any organisation, having a notional Whistleblowing Champion or a Risk Management system is a good start.

Yet most often, the existing endeavors at fostering a culture of transparency and accountability are merely glib attempts to pacify the regulator, appease the investors and gag the staunch iconoclasts. We need to change the stigma of the Whistle-blower!”

The report should contain the following sections:

1. A description of the current regulation and framework around whistleblowing.

2. An appraisal of whether you agree with the above view about the role of the whistle-blower.

3. An analysis of whether you think the current regulation and framework both for whistle-blowers and the firms are adequate. If you consider that there should be changes, please explain as appropriate. You should refer to the wider literature, your own research, and practical examples in order to give a comprehensive analysis and show your understanding.

4. A synthesis of sections 1, 2 and 3, which should comprise reasoned conclusions and reflections about the future of whistle-blowers and corporate governance. You should also prepare a reflective statement as outlined on page 1 of this document.

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