Explore how IT infrastructure meets the needs of organizations and their stakeholders: ITs Report, UO, UK

University University of Oxford (UO)
Subject ITs Report

Explore how IT infrastructure meets the needs of organizations and their stakeholders A.D1 Evaluate how IT infrastructure can impact an organization and its stakeholders.

A.P1 Explain ways in which software can meet the needs of an organization and its stakeholders.
A.P2 Explain ways in which hardware can meet the needs of an organization and its stakeholders.
A.P3 Explain ways in which the use of data connections and networks can meet the needs of an organization and its stakeholders.

A.M1 Analyse how IT infrastructure can impact an organization and its stakeholders. Learning aim B: Understand how organisations make use of data and information BC.D2 Evaluate the impact of the use of data and information on an organisation, its stakeholders and related policies. BC.D3 Justify decisions and approaches taken when developing policies. B.P4 Explain ways in which data is used in an organisation. B.P5 Explain ways in which information is used and distributed by an organisation, both internally and externally. B.M2 Analyse how data and information are used in an organisation, both internally and externally.

Learning aim C: Develop policies for the use of IT within an organisation C.P6 Describe internal and external threats, to data and information, in an organisation. C.P7 Describe procedures to be implemented in an organisation to allow them to protect data and information. C.P8 Describe procedures to be implemented in an organisation to allow them to operate in legal, moral and ethical ways. C.M3 Analyse how threats, and mitigation of those threats, impact an organisation and its stakeholders. C.M4 Analyse how suggested procedures that ensure an organisation works in a legal and ethical way would impact on an organisation and its stakeholders

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