Unit 9: Managing Self NVQ Level 5

Course: NVQ Level 5 Diploma In Leadership & Management for Adult Care

Leaders must be aware of the emotions and thoughts that can interfere with their work. They should also be able to control how they communicate with others so that they are effective leaders.

Also, good leaders can lead from within themselves. It is important that your team members have a close relationship with you so that you do not make decisions alone and on the spur of the moment. If you are trusted by those people, there will be fewer problems.

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We as leaders must also set high expectations for our employees because when we set out to achieve certain goals we envision some brutal outcomes. We may have a concept of what we expect but sometimes hard situations may arise at a point in time that our ideas failed to take into consideration. We must remember to keep a positive attitude and approach those matters at hand calmly and strategically using logic and persuasion.

LO1: Understand the importance of self-awareness

Self-awareness is the ability to understand your own thoughts and feelings, as well as those of other people. It can be a very important quality in personal relationships because it allows you to form close attachments and share common interests.

Self-awareness is also relevant to your organizational functioning both for the individual and for groups of people. People need to recognize their own lives as well as other people’s perspectives, so they can yield operational benefit.

Furthermore, self-aware leaders are not careless in dealing with conflict; they understand how important it is to accept criticism constructively or to mitigate conflict by building trust with others.

And they are not afraid of conflict; they absolutely dread confrontation or persecution at work or out of work or sundry places if necessary even because their perceived notion of success depends on having co-workers trusting them.

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Emotions affecting own behavior and behavior of others

We experience emotions in our thoughts, words, and actions. The most common emotions are those that we experience regularly—such as happiness, sadness, anger, love, or fear. Other rarer emotions may be experienced only once in a lifetime or under very special circumstances.

Although most emotions show up outwardly, they can never be seen. That is why in order to exhibit emotions we have to talk and text. Emotions are “talked into existence.”

Both ourselves and others experience several different types of emotions at work with our boss, team members, colleagues and future colleagues, and future –cohorts: It is very important for a leader to empathize with all people but his/her co-workers. Being an effective leader and a good skilled communicator you will understand the situation your team members are trying to share with you in the spirit of building co-operation within a collective goal for which fruitful for all members, family or organization bound together through deep reciprocity where the purpose aims at fulfilling further objectives by encouraging moral fulfillment.

Values, belief systems, and experiences affecting working practice

A working practice is a way in which an organization conducts its business, and it affects all aspects of that work, from the design of products to the implementation of services. A value system is a set of beliefs or assumptions about what constitutes valuable behavior or successful work. A belief system is a specific way of thinking that helps people make decisions based on their values and beliefs. Experiences are ways in which people come to understand how things work and learn new skills related to their work tasks.

Experiences can influence how people behave. Emotions influence working behaviors. Leaders influence followers’ emotional responses in work by sharing appropriate emotions, ideas, and values with each other.

Socialization processes that inform values and beliefs

By socialization, we mean processes people within organizations enact to adapt to leadership, organizational structure, or roles. We will include volunteer efforts in the description of organizational structure endeavors.

Socialization processes that inform values play concerned with how leaders learn about the work and its challenges, how people learn about leadership and their own roles within an organization, “how” employees absorb skills into practice, the nature and content of patterns for actions for collectivity as shared discipline and behavior work atmospherics.

Socialization processes that inform beliefs are the set of learning procedures and social practices people enact to make sense out of the organizational world and moreover in aspects for their learning about leader/follower relationships. Belief systems yield personal assumptions of how an organization should act in serendipitous settings and design work practices otherwise.

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Strategies for keeping aware of own stress levels and for maintaining wellbeing

It is important to be aware of one’s stress levels and the effects that they can have on both physical and mental health. It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle by taking steps such as eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and descending into mindfulness when feeling overwhelmed or stressed. The key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is having a regimented life and setting healthy boundaries. Socialization processes that inform values can be enhanced by allowing employees to maintain personal relationships outside work.

Methods of using feedback from others and own reflective practice to increase self-awareness

When seeking to improve one’s own self-awareness, it is helpful to engage in a number of activities that will help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. One way to do this is by using feedback from others as part of your own reflective practice. By regularly exchanging information with other people, you can increase the possibility that you will learn about and understand the thoughts and feelings of others in an objective manner. This increased understanding not only allows for better communication but also leads to increased empathy and compassion for those who may be struggling or have experienced difficult experiences.

LO2: Manage personal and professional behavior

It is the responsibility of both individuals and organizations to manage personal and professional behavior in a way that allows employees to feel appreciated, safe, respected, and productive. There is no specific suggestion as to how an individual should behave professionally. However, an organization can make an effort to create a work environment that invites and encourages its employees to interact in a responsible and productive fashion. Employees can be encouraged to address their own personal needs in advance of work, allowing them to be more productive and happier. Also, those who engage in irresponsible or promiscuous behavior will likewise encounter pushback or negative consequences due to the nature of organization values regarding ethics.

Professional behavior

Professional behavior does not remain static as a person changes. Actions one takes to pursue goals may be entirely appropriate for a given person at one point in their career, but out of overwhelming habit and cultural congruence, different or fiercer actions may become appropriate. Also, over the course of decades, people are faced with new ideals and convictions which are quite different from what was believed by their forebears. Either way, it may be necessary for an organization that employs employees to shift management practices towards bringing more equality into values in light of experiences associated with both positive and negative events.

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Learning from feedback

One way to cultivate professionalism and make sure behavior is coherent enough is to understand the meaning of feedback received by others. In many cases, one receives his own feedback on how he or she is well or poorly performing. However, there are pros and cons to this method of understanding how you are perceived by others. Providing feedback enables you to keep in touch with the messages being communicated by both yourself and other people. It also gives you information about how self-assured you need to be in order for networking sessions to achieve more effective results.

It is much less easy for you to even conceive that another person perceives your thoughts as negative without getting their input any time these sentiments are brought up prefacing with such words of warning as “I am not trying to pry into your personal business”, “it’s cool if something is bothering you, just let me know what I did wrong”, “if on occasion, something plays on your mind here and there, let me know if I can help push it aside so you can begin to think positively again”.

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability of people to manage their emotions in a positive way, leading to successful professional conduct. Emotional intelligence has been shown to correlate with both personal and professional success. Individuals who are emotionally intelligent are better able to handle stress, understand others’ perspectives, be understanding towards themselves and other people, have more empathy for others, and make sound decisions under pressure.

For example, Emotionally intelligent people tend to have more information available to them. As a result, they are better able to brainstorm ideas and empathize with other people. They also find it easier to get their point across. This improves their attitude as well as their performance as a professional.

Adapt communication in response to the emotional context and communication style of others

Adapting communication to the emotional context and style of others can be a challenge, but it is an essential part of effective interpersonal relationships. It allows individuals to understand the person they are communicating with and makes sure that all communication is relevant and useful. In order for people to effectively communicate with one another, it’s important that they have a good understanding of how emotions affect their behavior.

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Challenge views, actions, systems, and routines that do not match the vision and values of the service.

The challenge of improving service performance is to match the vision and values of the organization. This involves understanding what makes a good service, designing systems that work well in harmony with those standards, and working to maintain or improve customer satisfaction through continuous improvement. If failure to satisfy customers continues, the organization could be making a significant mistake that really harms their future.

The challenge of service is continual assessment of employees’ performance and a drive to improve performance throughout the organization. Some types of employees may not hesitate at all to engage in this challenge as they want to discharge their responsibility as a leader possibly due to weak self-confidence or insufficient belief in their organization’s capability.

An employee who always improving herself/himself can develop self-efficacy allowing her/him to put flexibility, resiliency, and courage in front of the problems which avoids getting frustrated and frustrations which finally could result in a depressing attitude that reduces the efficacy level.

LO3: Manage workloads.

Try to maximize workflow and minimize work environments such as noise and distraction. PAG members make duress decisions about the options that are the most appropriate to deal with a particular situation, but too many options become unmanageable for the member. They refer to Perceptual Approach Group research that shows that shortcuts and well-thought-out decision schemas take longer than instant decisions, so people should be prepared for a struggle with each information processing decision because hard decisions involve more thinking.

If a telephone call veers off-topic as an unfiltered response to something someone said earlier, it could rejuvenate a conversation if no one objects. A patient who complains of wrist pain while playing tennis needs to figure out whether he or she is trying too hard or whether physical stresses can be modified by anchoring purposes in his list of priorities and activities specifically planned for that time.

Sometimes, people just need pauses – even when tasks are straightforward or can be broken into red meat and white meat chunks that ordinary people can handle. Pauses allow people to step beyond themselves, literally. For everyone’s sake, the PAG recommends drawing time for that every few days to just alone and clear-pondering actions and priorities, free from interruptions – this helps people create “a quiet mind” and find hard choices more manageable.

Use strategies and tools to identify priorities for work.

The first step in effective work management is to identify the priorities for your organization and then develop action plans to achieve these goals. Once you have identified the priorities, it is important to create a tool or system that will help you measure and track progress towards meeting them. This can be done through any of a variety of means, such as surveys, questionnaires, tracking software programs, etc. Each person in the organization will have better ideas about what matters most to them than the person who comes up with the in-situ priority-setting exercise.

Some researchers state that cell phones and the Internet made telephone priority management exercises redundant, because everyone in an organization has easier access to information now, and teams can communicate directly with one another without involving managers. Instead, focus groups may be used or a manager may develop his/her own objective measure for progress using problem-solving or another value-driven process.

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Plan ways to meet responsibilities and organizational priorities while maintaining own wellbeing.

Team partners must collaborate to perform key roles – meetings should be scheduled. Set up a tournament of sorts for hobbies and other traditions, so team members support their colleagues’ pursuits and each success feeds someone’s confidence level. Similarly, ask team members to operate within the limits of their personal priorities so that everyone can still accomplish tasks that bring out the priorities strongest in them. Know the things that make you happiest doing work – and make time to do these things often.

 Use digital technology to enhance your own efficiency.

Videoconferencing and telepresence can be used to improve productivity. An alternative in simply holding offices across a country seems like a more efficient way to manage workers. Some companies have instituted open-plan offices and then top investors, bosses, or executives dictate clear boundaries where people may take free time, but they will be on calls, working between ten hours and most of a twelve-hour day, next to others with the same goals who are helping them.

Another approach is using regular conference calls that can be held with the highest executive or the driving force behind most of their priorities to consider what works best for all involved in not having central roles that everyone can interrupt for anything that comes up during the day.

Delegating responsibilities to others.

Delegating responsibilities can be a way to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace. It can also help individuals feel more relaxed and able to manage their own time better. Delegation allows people of different levels of experience, knowledge, or expertise to work together on tasks that are important but may not have been considered within the individual’s personal competence area. This type of delegation usually results in increased productivity as well as improved team morale because everyone is focused on meeting task goals rather than themselves.

Revise plans to take account of changing circumstances.

Revising plans as circumstances change is an integral part of continuous improvement and quality management. It is especially important because every organization has an anticipated level of performance. Bad results often hamper business plans. For example, if an organization has a sales target based on the projected profit of all retail outlets and petroleum outlets within an area, sales often will not receive the anticipated number of visitors because severe heat comes out during summer months or isolated river floods may block all traffic to one region causing an incalculable loss in monetary compensation from potential buyers hauling goods to another region.

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LO4: Undertake professional development.

Professional development (PD) is the process of learning and improving one’s skills in order to promote success in a given field or profession. It often includes taking on new challenges, developing personal relationships with others who will be working with you, and expanding one’s knowledge base.

Evaluate own knowledge and performance.

Evaluation involves the process of assessing one’s own knowledge and performance. It is a key step in developing both personal skills as well as professional strengths, and it helps individuals to learn from their mistakes. Evaluation should be conducted regularly at all levels of an organization so that everyone can develop his or her abilities in the most effective way possible. As people work on improving existing skills and increasing their knowledge base, they are more likely to develop new skills.

This is an essential factor in developing new employees with the needed skill sets to stay ahead of current competition. Employees’ continual efforts to increase their level of knowledge and attitude make them naturally more effective in performing high-quality service and professionally well within the organization.

Establish your own learning style.

You should establish your own learning style in order to better manage and learn from the information. This means that you should be comfortable with reading, listening, thinking, working on problems independently, and using a variety of methods (including online resources), in addition to the method you prefer for teaching yourself.

Prioritize own development goals and targets

Prioritize the development of one’s own goals and targets in order to achieve the most beneficial outcome for oneself. In addition, it is important that other people understand what you want them to do for you so that everyone can benefit from your efforts.

Use personal and professional development planning

Personal and professional development planning is an essential part of a well-rounded career. By scheduling regular checkups, monitoring progress, and providing feedback to help individuals stay on track, personal and professional development planning can help you achieve your goals. It is also a great way for couples or groups to work together towards common objectives.

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