3.2 Plan ways to meet responsibilities and organizational priorities while maintaining own wellbeing.

Course: NVQ Level 5 Diploma In Leadership & Management for Adult Care

Unit 9: Managing Self

LO3: Manage workloads

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3.2 Plan ways to meet responsibilities and organizational priorities while maintaining own wellbeing.

The primary responsibility of the adult care worker is to provide assistance, support, and companionship for adults with an intellectual disabilities. In most cases, this will be a person’s parents or grandparents. It can also involve working in residential homes where people are cared for on behalf of their local authority/social services department or in private care settings such as nursing homes.

Adult care workers have a duty to keep themselves healthy and well enough to do their work appropriately; they should not neglect personal hygiene duties (e.g., teeth brushing), eating regular meals that include protein-rich foods like meat, eggs and cheese; getting sufficient sleep each night so they feel refreshed when starting work again after being off sick etc.; avoiding alcohol consumption during normal hours because it may impair judgment; avoiding taking any illegal drugs because these substances cannot only affect your own health but could cause you difficulties if drug testing were carried out by employers under occupational safety legislation.

They need time for relaxation away from work activities – both physical relaxation (taking walks around the garden) and mental relaxation through reading books that interest them outside of one’s field e.g., novels rather than texts about social sciences. The adult care worker’s own enjoyment of reading should be taken into account. Whilst there are clearly benefits to be gained from reading management texts, it could harm career development if they take that direction.

Caring for people with autism is a popular option over the care of other older adults. Some care workers have other skills that have autism and live in the same house with them or in a similarly large community. Separate management of some autistic adults into support groups can be a difficult task for the caregiver’s personal life and finances.

Often, therapy is provided to support people with autism as helpful tools for communication as well as controlling anxiety, depression, and irritability. Generally, people with autism often love music through language songs: developing independence by listening to popular shows that they enjoy rather than simple melodies. Take note of your preferences most children like stories and favorite foods toys because it helps socialize and can be helpful in activities play.

Adult care workers working in residential homes provide care for people living there who may be families away from home because of lack of money such as teaching how to get around public transport systems were working with visual functions; teaching how to use email on/offline as well as social media; showing elderly business employees how to access their email on their phone or computer etc. When working mostly with the elderly generally, it may be important to tone down the vices that can cause their teeth to rot off and keep them away from drinking.

Some elderly people may take Advantage of adult care workers, it is not visibly apparent to anyone watching them. Some care workers in residential homes overlook this because of worry for everyone arising from the stress that elder people feel given public health/community health issues. However, some other ethical issues can safely be discussed where relevant, especially around malnutrition in nursing and residential homes.

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