- 2.4 Reviewing available information and making valid decisions
- 2.3 Using factual data, recommendations, suggestions, and ideas in a logical and purposeful manner to inform decision making
- 1.4 Strategies for keeping aware of own stress levels and for maintaining wellbeing
- 1.1 Elements of management decision-making
- Unit 10- Decision Making in Adult Care NVQ Level 5
- 1.2 Values, belief systems, and experiences affecting working practice
- 2.4 Adapt communication in response to the emotional context and communication style of others
- 1.1 Emotions affecting own behavior and the behavior of others
- 2.2 Providing support to engage others in the decision-making process
- 2.1 Evaluating range, purpose, and situation for effective decision making
- 4.3 Prioritize own development goals and targets
- 4.4 Use personal and professional development planning
- 4.2 Establish own learning style
- 4.1 Evaluate own knowledge and performance
- 4.2 Ways in which team members are supported to understand their role in safeguarding children and young people from danger, harm, abuse, or exploitation.
- 4.1 Reasons adult care practitioners need to be aware of national and local requirements that seek to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
- 3.7 Demonstrate ways of assessing the effectiveness of risk management practice
- 3.6 Demonstrate positive approaches to risk assessments
- 3.5 Revise plans to take account of changing circumstances
- 3.4 Delegating responsibilities to others
2.5 Challenge views, actions, systems, and routines that do not match the vision and values of the service
Course: NVQ Level 5 Diploma In Leadership & Management for Adult Care
Unit 9: Managing Self
LO2: Manage personal and professional behavior
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2.5 Challenge views, actions, systems, and routines that do not match the vision and values of the service.
The customer is often left feeling frustrated, angry, and lost. They may also feel that they are not being given the credit they deserve. Often, this can be due to a lack of understanding of the vision and values for the service. In order to become better equipped to manage and operate on the meaning-making ideas we take for granted, our systems and actions must match the values we believe guide us.
The focus of this approach is to make visible what is sometimes invisible (Thibault, 1927). It helps us to recognize the meaning-making ideas that come into operation when we are neither in the moment with our client nor on automatic pilot. By improving our ability to recognize and talk about our practice between service delivery, we can escape the peril of unwitting action and achieve better results for others.
This shift may not always be easy as it requires awareness, system change, time for reflection, and organizational support. For this reason, it may work best when part of an integration program organizes thinking around desire rather than explicit models or methods. Engaging in a dialog with other general managers serves as a system that could help mitigate resistance in organizational change and transformation.
A model such as Service Design contributes to the strategic leadership in building strong, efficient, and high-quality services so that more people might strengthen their resilience and grow more spiritually.
Service designers help organizations to create services and systems that positively impact their clients, the community (advocacy), and service professionals. These strategic approaches emphasize the importance of relating issues with holistic vision in business, government, and private agencies.
Policymakers must be open to a service design approach to transform the public institutions, which has the potential to generate beneficial and sustainable results for their clients, audiences, and communities.
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