Unit 8: Safeguarding, Protection, and Risk

Course: NVQ Level 5 Diploma In Leadership & Management for Adult Care (RQF)

Adult care workers have a duty of care to protect the adults in their care from physical, emotional, and sexual harm. This includes ensuring that adults are safe from abuse, exploitation, and neglect.

Risk assessments should be carried out to identify any potential risks to adults in care, and staff should be trained in how to respond to incidents or suspected incidents of abuse. Adults in need of support must be provided with information about safeguarding and protection so that they can make an informed choice about whether or not they want to receive that support.

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LO1: Understand safeguarding legislation, local and national policies

It is essential that all employees working with vulnerable adults are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities and understand the relevant legislation and local and national policies.

Leadership and management for adult care is a key component in ensuring that employees receive the necessary training and support to carry out their safeguarding duties. A leader or manager must ensure that staff is fully aware of what is expected of them, provide appropriate training, and be available to offer guidance and support when needed.

Staff should be encouraged to report any concerns they may have about the welfare of a vulnerable adult, without fear of reprisal. Leaders and managers must also ensure that any allegations of abuse are investigated promptly and fully.

Legislation relating to safeguarding adults

Legislation relating to safeguarding adults is designed to protect vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation.

The Adult Safeguarding Board (ASB) was set up in 2006 as a strategic body with the responsibility for coordinating work to safeguard adults in Worcestershire. The ASB is made up of representatives from partner organizations including local authorities, the police, health services, the voluntary sector, and the business community.

The main legislation that relates to safeguarding adults is the Care Act 2014. This places a duty on local authorities to ensure that all adults who are assessed as being in need of care and support receive it, regardless of whether they live in their own home or a care home.

National and local guidance and agreed ways of working

The Adult Social Care National Minimum Standards set out a legal framework for how adult social care should be provided. The national minimum standards are intended to provide a consistent standard of quality across the country and apply to all people who receive support from adult social care services.

The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework sets out a common standard for adult social care to help providers and commissioners of services improve their services by measuring the outcomes that adults receive from the services they commission or provide.

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Ways in which legislation, guidance and agreed ways of working impact on day to day leadership and management practice

The Care Act 2014 and the adult social care national minimum standards have a significant impact on day-to-day leadership and management practice as they set out the duties that local authorities have towards vulnerable adults. Leaders and managers must ensure that staff is aware of their safeguarding responsibilities, provide appropriate training, and be available to offer guidance and support when needed.

Leaders and managers in adult social care services must work closely with partner organizations, including the police, to ensure that they are aware of any vulnerable adults where there is a concern for their safety.

Methods of promoting and supporting safeguarding in the work setting

There are many ways to promote and support safeguarding in the work setting. One way is to have regular staff meetings where updates on safeguarding policies and procedures are shared with staff. Staff should also be encouraged to report any concerns they may have about the safety of children or vulnerable adults.

Another way to promote and support safeguarding is through training. All staff should receive training on how to identify and report suspected cases of abuse or neglect. Training should also include how to create a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults.

Finally, communication is key when it comes to promoting and supporting safeguarding in the work setting. Staff needs to be able to communicate with each other about any concerns they may have and take action as needed.

LO2: Lead on the effective application and review of safeguarding and whistleblowing policies, procedures and protocols

The effective application of safeguarding and whistleblowing policies, procedures, and protocols is critical to protecting the welfare of children, young people, and adults. Organizations should annually review their safeguarding policies and update them as necessary in response to changes in legislation or best practice. They should also ensure that their procedures are effectively implemented, and that staff is aware of their responsibilities with regards to safeguarding.

It is also important that organizations have a whistleblowing policy in place, which sets out the process for employees to report any concerns they may have about the safety or welfare of a child or adult. Employees must feel confident that they will be listened to if they raise a concern, and that they will not face any reprisals for doing so.

All organizations should have a safeguarding policy in place to protect the welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults. The policy should reflect current legislation, including the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and Children Act 2004.

The policy should define what constitutes abuse or neglect of a child/young person/vulnerable adult, provide guidance on the actions to be taken if a child/young person/vulnerable adult is thought to be at risk of abuse or neglect, and ensure that all employees receive training so they are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities.

Employers should also have a whistleblowing policy in place that sets out how employees can raise concerns about cases of suspected abuse or neglect. This policy should be regularly reviewed and updated to take into account any changes in legislation or best practice guidance.

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Show how individuals and/or families are included in reviewing policies and procedures

The goal of policy and procedure review is to ensure that the rights and safety of all individuals and families are considered. In order to do this, reviews should include input from individuals and families who have direct experience with the policies and procedures in question.

This input can be gathered through a variety of means, such as focus groups, interviews, surveys, or online forums. It is important to ensure that all voices are heard in these reviews, including those of individuals and families who may have been traditionally marginalized or excluded from decision-making processes.

Support individuals to understand and be able to apply the policies and procedures in their day to day work

All staff who are involved in carrying out the policies and procedures should receive training on the policies, including the responsibilities associated with each one, so they can carry them out effectively.

It is also important to provide information on how to disclose concerns about suspected child/young person/vulnerable adult abuse or neglect in accordance with your whistleblowing policy.

Provide effective support for individuals where danger, harm or abuse is suspected or disclosed

Safeguarding and whistleblowing policies and procedures should also include guidance on how to respond in situations where child/young person/vulnerable adult abuse or neglect is suspected or has been disclosed.

The support provided should take into consideration whether it is a safeguarding situation (where harm or risk of harm requires immediate attention) or a whistleblowing situation (where the disclosure does not require immediate action).

Provide effective support for team members where danger, harm or abuse is suspected or disclosed

Organizations should ensure that employees who raise concerns about suspected child/young person/vulnerable adult abuse or neglect are supported and protected from any possible reprisals.

Employees, both in the front line and at the managerial level, also need guidance on how to support individuals where a concern has been raised by somebody working in their team, or on their team.

Analyse how the findings from recent Serious Case Reviews have impacted on the provision of adult care services

The findings and recommendations of Serious Case Reviews should be considered in the review and implementation of safeguarding policies and procedures.

It is important that all staff involved in adult care services, including social workers, managers, and non-professional staff, understand how to apply the learning from SCRs to their day-to-day practice.

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Critically evaluate the effectiveness of safeguarding and whistleblowing policies procedures and protocols

The policies and procedures in place should be reviewed regularly and their effectiveness critically evaluated to ensure they meet the needs of all individuals.

This will ensure that policies and procedures remain relevant, fit for purpose, and effective in identifying situations where harm or risk of harm is possible.

LO3: Understand restrictive practice and potential impact

Restrictive practice is a term used in the business world to describe a type of management style where employees are tightly controlled and limited in their ability to make decisions. While there are many benefits to using a restrictive practice, there can also be some potentially negative impacts.

Some of the benefits of using a restrictive practice include that it can help to improve efficiency and productivity, ensure compliance with company guidelines, and reduce the risk of financial losses. However, there can also be some potentially negative impacts to using this type of management style. These can include an increase in employee stress levels, reduced creativity and innovation, and decreased morale.

It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of using a restrictive practice before implementing it in an organization.

Terminology relating to restrictive practice

Employers have a responsibility to support the health and wellbeing of their employees. However, there are some occasions where an employer may need to use restrictive practices in order to protect the well-being of individuals.

It is important that all employers understand what restrictive practice is, how it can be used effectively, and the potential impact it may have on employees.

As an employer, it is important to understand the legal requirements around restrictive practice. This includes understanding how restrictive practices are covered in employment contracts and any additional legal requirements that may be relevant to your organization or industry.

In order to legally restrict someone’s practice, a healthcare professional must have reason to believe that the person is putting patients at risk. There are a few common reasons why this might be the case, such as when a healthcare professional is not following standard procedures, is impaired due to drugs or alcohol, or is engaging in disruptive or violent behavior.

Impacts of restrictive practice

Restrictive practice can increase stress levels and lead to a feeling of being ‘controlled’ by an employer. This is why it’s important for employers to understand the impact that using restrictive practices can have on employees, as well as the risks associated with not using them effectively.

The potential impacts of restrictive practice can include increased levels of stress, reduced morale, and reduced job satisfaction.

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Demonstrate ways of minimising restrictive practices through person centred practice

There are a number of ways in which restrictive practices can be minimized including through person-centered care and communication.

It is important that any decision an employer makes about using restrictive practices is made jointly with relevant members of staff, such as human resources or occupational health professionals. They should also inform the employees why they have been implemented and what impact they aim to have, as well as give employees the opportunity to provide feedback throughout the process.

An important aspect of creating a positive culture within an organization is the ability to take calculated risks. This is often achieved by having clear organizational policies and procedures in place for members of staff to follow.

However, when an organization plans to take a risk, it may require that people not adhere to organizational policy and procedures. This can be because the risk is too great, or because the risk only applies to specific cases.

Employers should have clear protocols for employees so they know how to manage situations where they are required to act outside of policy and procedures. Having these protocols in place can help to reduce the risk of poor decisions being made by employees, which could have further-reaching impacts on individuals and organizations.

Demonstrate positive approaches to risk assessments

Risk assessments are an integral part of person-centered care that helps to identify risks related to a transition in practice.

One important point that employers should be aware of is the responsibility they have for risk assessment, including when they are not directly involved in the process. This includes ensuring employees have access to any information or tools required when it comes to assessing risks, as well as giving employees the opportunity to ask questions throughout the process.

Managing risk assessments have a positive impact on members of staff because it gives employers confidence that they are taking a proactive approach to provide safe care for patients, and that employees feel supported by their managers. By having clear protocols in place, employers can reduce the likelihood of something going wrong.

Demonstrate ways of assessing the effectiveness of risk management practice

It’s important for employers to demonstrate how they are assessing the effectiveness of their risk management practices. This could involve staff being asked to complete anonymous surveys about staff satisfaction, or holding regular one-to-one sessions with employees to discuss any issues that have arisen in the past period.

It is also essential that when an error does occur, organizations allow space for a reflective discussion about what has happened, why it happened, and how they can move forward as a team. This allows employers to learn from mistakes and prevent them from occurring in the future.

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LO4: Understand the role and responsibilities of adult care practitioners in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people

One of the most important roles of adult care practitioners is ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. This includes creating a safe and supportive environment that fosters positive development, as well as responding quickly and effectively to any incidents or concerns.

Adult care practitioners should also be familiar with the signs of abuse and neglect and know how to report any suspicious behavior. It’s important to remember that all adults have a responsibility to protect children, so if you see anything that makes you uncomfortable, please speak up.

Reasons adult care practitioners need to be aware of national and local requirements that seek to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people

The national and local requirements that seek to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children are designed to support adults in their role as care providers. These are particularly useful for those who have recently started working with children, or those working in new roles within an organization.

Some of these rules also apply to family members or other people who spend regular time with children, so it’s important that all adults are aware of what is expected. This includes understanding how to support children emotionally and physically, communicating effectively with children, taking responsibility for your own safety at work, the appropriate use of technology when working with children online or through social media, and being vigilant in spotting the signs of abuse or neglect.

Ways in which team members are supported to understand their role in safeguarding children and young people from danger, harm, abuse or exploitation

It’s important for employers to support team members in understanding their role in safeguarding children and young people. This could include designing and delivering effective training sessions, holding regular reviews with employees, and sharing any relevant information that will help them feel more confident in their workplace.

You can also ensure your staff feels they have the right approach when it comes to safeguarding children at the recruitment stage, so they have a greater understanding of why these rules are in place. If staff feel they know what is expected of them and how it benefits the organization as a whole, they’re much more likely to want to work towards safeguarding children.

National and local requirements for reporting suspicions or disclosures of danger, harm, abuse or exploitation of children and young people

It’s important that team members know what to do if they notice anything suspicious, or receive a disclosure from a child.

There are many examples of reporting procedures at both a national and local level, so it can be helpful to share as much information as possible with your team. You could hold regular meetings with employees to provide updates on any changes or updates that may impact their role, or you could share this information through a newsletter so all team members have access to the most up-to-date safeguarding procedures.

Tensions between maintaining the safety of team members and others with the duty of care to adults who are known to have abused children and young people

The law states that anyone who has information that suggests a child is at risk of harm or abuse should share this information with the relevant agency. This means, if you suspect any member of staff is abusing children, you should act to safeguard children and young people by reporting your concerns.

This can sometimes be difficult for team members who manage adults known to be abusing children and young people. However, by sharing relevant information with your team through training or regular meetings, they should feel more confident in knowing how to handle these situations effectively.

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Responsibility of the Designated Officer

Everyone in your organization is responsible for safeguarding children and young people, but it’s a good idea to have a designated member of staff who can take a lead role in this. This could be someone from the HR team or another colleague within your company, so they’re able to coordinate any training sessions or briefings that need to take place throughout the organization.

The role of the Designated Officer is to ensure all team members know how to keep children and young people safe as part of their day-to-day work, they’re aware of any specific protocols that need to be followed in their workplace, they have access to the most up-to-date information on safeguarding procedures, and they can easily communicate concerns to the relevant team members.

Ways of critically evaluating practice

It’s important your team understand how to critically evaluate their own practice, so they can continuously improve the safeguarding procedures in place at work.

You might want to set up a system where team members are able to share any concerns or questions regarding safeguarding children and young people and make sure you check in with these people regularly. If you notice any concerns or weaknesses in safeguarding practice, you can then resolve these issues and share this information with other team members.

LO5: Promote health and safety

If you want to promote health and safety in your workplace, then it’s important that team members know how to keep themselves safe too.

You could encourage employees to share their concerns about safeguarding children with you when they notice anything suspicious or when they come into contact with a child who may be experiencing abuse in any way. By having open channels of communication, then team members should feel more comfortable about sharing their concerns or observations with you.

There are many health and safety policies and procedures that may relate to your industry or specific organization, so it’s important you ensure these policies and procedures cover all safeguarding issues. This could include the way in which volunteers, interns, and employees work with children and young people, as well as ensuring any volunteers working on-site have a Disclosure and Barring Service Check.

Supporting all team members to understand and be able to apply the policies and procedures in their day to day work

You can help your team understand how to develop their practice in line with current health and safety policies, by providing them with regular training updates, briefing them when any changes are made to the relevant safeguarding procedures, and encouraging them to ask questions if they’re unsure about anything.

This will ensure all team members know how health and safety procedures apply to their practice and can make a positive impact on your safeguarding work.

Applying policies and procedures

You can encourage your team to actively use health and safety procedures when they’re working with children and young people, by providing them with the relevant information they need to follow, encouraging them to share any concerns or questions, and ensuring they know how important these protocols are for safeguarding children and young people.

By following procedures consistently throughout your organization and providing your team with regular training updates, you can develop a culture of safeguarding where everyone knows how to keep children and young people safe.

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