3.3 Impacts of restrictive practice

Course: NVQ Level 5 Diploma In Leadership & Management for Adult Care

Unit 8: Safeguarding, protection and risk

LO3: Understand restrictive practice and potential impact

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3.3 Impacts of restrictive practice

Restrictive practices can have a negative impact on service users, staff members, and families. By applying these restrictive policies you are limiting their opportunities for growth which ultimately leads to an unhappy lifestyle with less quality of life outcomes than they could experience if there were more expansive approaches taken into consideration during policy development.

There is also evidence to suggest that restrictive practices can have a negative impact on staff members. When staff feels overwhelmed and unsupported, they may resort to using restrictive practices as a way of managing the situation. This can have a detrimental effect on both the staff member’s mental health and their relationship with the service user.

Finally, restrictive practices also have a negative impact on families. When families are not included in the decision-making process, they can feel alienated and unsupported. This can lead to tension and conflict within the family.

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It is clear that restrictive practices have a number of negative consequences for everyone involved. It is therefore important to explore alternative approaches that can provide a more positive outcome for everyone involved.

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests restrictive practices can have negative consequences for service users, staff, and families. Restrictive practices limit opportunities for growth and lead to unhappiness, reduced quality of life outcomes, and negative impacts on staff mental health. They also create tension and conflict within families.

It is therefore important that we explore alternative approaches that can provide a more positive outcome for everyone involved. We need to find ways to support staff members and families and to allow service users the opportunity to grow and thrive. Only then can we create truly inclusive services that are beneficial for all.

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