4.1 Procedures that address performance management and related issues

Course: NVQ Level 5 Diploma In Leadership & Management for Adult Care

Unit 6: Professional Development, Supervision & Performance Management

LO4: Understand how to manage individual’s performance in adult care settings

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Your role in relation to your organization’s performance management systems and procedures is an important one. You need a clear understanding of what you are expected, or not expected, to do at each stage if there are going to be any changes made moving forward that could affect how people will interact with us going forward.

Procedures that address performance management and related issues in adult care should be designed to help individuals meet the standards set for them, provide support to improve their skills and behaviors and identify any areas of concern. Most procedures will likely include a system of monitoring and tracking progress, as well as steps for providing feedback, correcting poor performance, and documenting and resolving incidents.

There are a few different steps that can be taken to address conduct and performance issues with individuals.

  • The first step is to assess and document the current situation. This should include an evaluation of both functional abilities and behavior.
  • The next step is to develop a plan that addresses identified problems and meets the needs of the adult and those involved in his or her care. The plan should be tailored to each individual situation, taking into account such factors as culture, family structure, caregiver capabilities, and community resources.
  • The third step is to monitor the plan, evaluate progress, and make adjustments as necessary. This should be done on a regular basis with the assistance of an objective outside party if possible.
  • The final step is to document compliance or noncompliance with the care plan and take action as needed. Documentation should clearly reflect objective observations, not just subjective opinions.

The steps outlined above are common to all procedures, but the specific details will vary depending on each organization’s goals and resources. Your agency may have additional steps it has developed which you should also comply with.

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Supervisor’s procedures on performance management and related issues for team members should include a clear explanation of what constitutes both expected and unacceptable behaviors, who are responsible for monitoring this conduct, along with a process of how to address concerns. The procedures should detail the steps you are expected to take when addressing performance problems, including who is responsible for initiating each step, what types of information should be included in any correspondence sent or received, and how long the process will generally take. The specific policies governing employee conduct can also be found in your Employee Handbook.

Procedures that are designed to address performance management and related issues in your agency should be created with the reasons they exist clearly outlined. The procedures you use should help to identify any concerns early on and clarify steps for achieving a resolution. They will serve as an important reference throughout your working relationship with individuals and families and can be used to inform others of the responsibilities of all team members.

In regards to your agency’s procedures that address performance management there are a few things you need to know, and many actions you should take professionally when dealing with individuals. Your organization may have additional steps it has developed which you should also follow in order to comply with agency requirements. In any case, here are a few general guidelines to keep in mind.

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