Unit 5: Person-Centered Practice for Positive Outcomes

Course: NVQ Level 5 Diploma In Leadership & Management for Adult Care (RQF)

Student life can be tough. There’s a lot of pressure to succeed, and for many students, life can feel like one big test. It’s no wonder that so many young people struggle with mental health issues. But there is hope. The person-centered practice has shown promising results in helping students manage their mental health and achieve positive outcomes.

Person-centered practice is a model of care that puts the person first. It emphasizes the importance of relationships, dignity, respect, and choice for people who use services. Person-centered practice helps staff to understand the person’s experience of their disability and to respond in a way that supports them.

The person-centered practice has been shown to lead to positive outcomes for people who use services. For example, it has been found to promote independence, increase social inclusion, and improve mental health and wellbeing.

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Here, we are describing some learning outcomes. These are

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LO1: Understand the principles and values of the person-centered outcome-based practice

Person-centered care is an approach to healthcare that places the needs, desires, and preferences of each individual at its core. This philosophy underpins everything from how we communicate with patients up until their final days on earth – it’s about catering your service specifically for them so they feel heard throughout all stages.

A person may have very different values from you when considering treatment options but this does not make them any less worthy or able; instead, our job as health professionals should enable us to see beyond these differences in order to provide individuals greater control over what happens next.

Theories and values of positive practice stem

Positive practice is a field of study that focuses on well-being and happiness at work. Theories are based around principles or beliefs about human behavior, while values can be defined as ‘set standards’. Understanding the values of person-centered outcome-based practice and why we practice this way can mean we’re able to provide a higher standard of care for those people.

LO2: Manage resources to facilitate positive outcomes for individuals

Managing your resources is essential to providing high-quality care that meets an individual’s goals; this includes both human and material resources. When we manage our time, energy, space, and finances effectively, we’re able to save more of these for other people in need – like the individuals you’re caring for!

When something impacts one resource, it can be necessary to manage it in conjunction with other resources. For example, when we communicate with another person we might wish not only to listen and speak but also to show our attention through body language.

Facilitate an organizational culture that values positive outcomes and person-centered practice

It’s essential to create a culture of practice that caters to the needs of individuals and focuses on what is best for them. We’re all here because we care, so it makes sense to provide this type of service in which our values match up with the values of patients.

Attitudes towards positive outcomes can be influenced by factors such as organizational culture. Organizational culture consists of unwritten rules that are learned in the workplace, shared by all employees in an organization whether they’re in management or not.

Develop, implement and evaluate plans to ensure team members have appropriate training, development, and support to promote person-centered practice

Plans for care should be delivered by a team of professionals trained and supported to work together, with each member of the team knowing what they’re doing. This means that not only do we have more knowledge about individual needs but we can deliver it in a way that makes them happier.

It’s important that we develop and implement plans to ensure we have appropriate training, development, and support – otherwise, we can’t deliver person-centered, outcome-based care.

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Manage others to work with individuals ensuring that they adapt their approaches to meet an individual’s changing needs

As healthcare professionals, our job is to provide the best care possible for each individual while adapting our approach to meet their changing needs. We may have to ‘manage’ other health professionals so that they are able to support an individual’s goals.

It can be helpful for individuals if we manage others in order to work alongside them and adapt their approaches.

Manage resources to ensure that reviews of individual’s preferences, wishes needs, and strengths are valued within the achievement of positive outcomes

It’s important to manage resources so we can review an individual’s preferences, wishes, needs, and strengths not only to achieve positive outcomes for them but also so they feel safe and informed. We may need to improve our ability in order to meet their expectations.

These are all important factors to consider when we’re trying to achieve positive outcomes for the people we are caring for.

Manage resources to ensure that individuals are actively supported to make healthy choices through a person-centered approach

Managing resources also means being able to support individuals so they can make healthy choices. By supporting people’s choices, we can give them positive freedom.

As mentioned previously, this may be something you have experienced while working in a care home or with older people who are coming to terms with the changes that happen as they age.

Implement systems and processes for recording healthcare interventions

As healthcare professionals, it’s important to record information about the services we provide in order to make sure that they are effective. This means recording all interventions – even when they do not meet expected outcomes.

We need to implement systems and processes for recording patient care so it can be delivered effectively.

LO3: Lead practice in appropriate health and care methods to achieve person-centered outcomes

In order to lead a person-centered approach, we need to ensure that we have appropriate methods for health and care. This means being able to provide the best services possible which meets our individuals’ needs.

As healthcare professionals, we need to be aware that although it’s important to care for the person first and foremost, this does not always mean that our values align; sometimes they may clash. This is something that many people working in social care are discovering as they provide more services for vulnerable adults.

Manage systems and processes which enable early identification and assessment of an individual’s current and emerging health needs

As we know, it’s important to identify an individual’s health needs as early as possible – this gives us the best opportunity to provide them with the right level of care. This means that we need systems and processes which enable us to recognize any emerging health needs.

It can be helpful to manage systems and processes which enable us to recognize any emerging health needs, as this gives us the best opportunity to provide them with the right level of care.

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Implement and evaluate protocols for safe healthcare practice which actively promote positive outcomes

In order to implement and evaluate protocols for safe healthcare practice, we need to ensure that they actively promote positive outcomes. If an individual’s needs are not met as a result of our care then this is likely to impact their trust in us as professionals.

It can be helpful for us if we manage systems and processes which enable us to recognize any emerging health needs, as this gives us the best opportunity to provide them with the right level of care.

Foster active participation of individuals

Actively involving people in the decision-making process means that they feel as though they have a voice. In order to promote positive outcomes, we need to be able to foster the active participation of individuals, carers, and families in decisions about their health and healthcare.

In order for us to be able to actively involve people in the decision-making process, it’s important that they feel as though they have a voice.

Maintain healthcare records in line with legislation and organizational requirements

It’s important that we are able to maintain healthcare records in line with legislation and organizational requirements. This means having effective IT systems which enable us to manage our information effectively.

As mentioned previously, this may be something you have experienced while working in a care home or with older people who are coming to terms with the changes that happen as they age.

Champion accountability when carrying out health and care procedures

It’s important to champion accountability when carrying out health and care procedures. When we are accountable, patients will be more likely to feel as though they can trust us with their information – especially if it is a sensitive issue.

In order for us to be able to champion accountability, this means that patients will be more likely to feel as though they can trust us with their information.

LO4: Champion equality, diversity, and inclusion to achieve positive outcomes

As healthcare professionals, it’s important that we champion equality, diversity, and inclusion. If we don’t, then this could impact the quality of care that an individual has access to.

This may be something you have experienced while working in a care home or with older people who are coming to terms with the changes that happen as they age.

As we know, it’s important to investigate the legal context underpinning equality, diversity, and inclusion in order to meet the needs of an individual. This is because legislation can change very quickly – especially in terms of safeguarding vulnerable adults.

In order to investigate the legal context underpinning equality, diversity, and inclusion in adult care services, it’s important to know how this can impact your practice.

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Evaluate policies, systems, processes, and practices that promote equality, diversity, and inclusion

Evaluate and measure current policies, systems, and practices to ensure they promote equality, diversity, and inclusion. This means we need to acknowledge the strengths of our workforce as well as any areas for development if we are going to implement positive changes.

In order to evaluate policies, systems, and practices to ensure they promote equality, diversity, and inclusion, identify any strengths or areas for development if we are going to implement positive changes.

Support others to challenge discrimination and exclusion in ways that are likely to achieve change and promote positive outcomes

Encourage individuals to challenge discrimination and exclusion in ways that are likely to achieve change and promote positive outcomes. This means that we need to consider how we can use our skills to support others when they find themselves in a position where they have been discriminated against or excluded from services.

In order for us to be able to support others when they find themselves in a position where they have been discriminated against or excluded from services, this means using our skills to tackle issues.

LO5: Lead continuous improvement in carrying out health and care procedures where required

As healthcare professionals, it’s important that we lead continuous improvement in carrying out health and care procedures. This means taking on board what an individual has to say as well as their feedback as this will enable us to make changes where necessary.

In order for us to lead continuous improvement when carrying out health and care procedures, this means taking on board what an individual has to say as well as their feedback with the aim of making changes where necessary.

Monitor, review and evaluate the implementation of person-centered practices and the achievement of positive outcomes for individuals

As healthcare professionals, we need to monitor and evaluate the implementation of person-centered practices and the achievement of positive outcomes. This means considering both the individual as well as wider factors that impact someone’s life and wellbeings, such as their support network or socioeconomic status.

To monitor and evaluate the implementation of person-centered practices and the achievement of positive outcomes, it’s important to consider both the individual as well as wider factors that may impact someone’s life and wellbeing.

Use evidence-based research to identify best practices in outcome-based and person-centered approaches

Use evidence-based research to identify best practices in outcome-based and person-centered approaches. This is important because it allows us to compare what we do with the findings of others in order to see how effective our current practices are.

In order for us to be able to use evidence-based research when identifying best practices in outcome-based and person-centered approaches, it’s important that we compare what we do with the findings of others.

Act on lessons learned from incidents that occur

When incidents occur it’s important that we understand why they did and take action on the lessons learned to ensure safety. This means having a closer look at what happened while considering how things could have been handled differently in order to prevent similar things from happening again.

To act on lessons learned from incidents that occur to improve safety, we need to have a closer look at what happened while considering how things could have been handled differently.

Review the extent to which systems, processes, and practice facilitate positive outcomes

One of the ways in which we can carry out a review is by trying to understand why something has or hasn’t happened. This means having an overview of how effective current systems, processes, and practices are in terms of facilitating positive outcomes for individuals.

In order for us to review how current systems, processes, and practices facilitate positive outcomes, it’s important that we have an overview of how effective these are.

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Plan and lead the implementation of improvements

It’s important that we plan the implementation of improvements in order to make processes more effective. When carrying out this task, it’s crucial to consider the ways in which an individual could be affected by certain changes to help ensure they are viewed positively.

To plan and lead the implementation of improvements in order to make changes that will have a positive outcome for individuals, it’s important that we consider how an individual may be affected by certain changes.

LO6: Develop community relationships to provide integrated services

A number of social factors can have a major impact on how we live our lives – from income and education to housing, employment, and support networks. It’s therefore essential that we develop community relationships that will enable us to provide integrated services.

In order for us to be able to provide integrated services by developing community relationships, it’s important for us to take into consideration a range of different social factors that can affect someone’s life.

Understand the importance of community involvement and promote own service within the wider community

It’s important for us to understand why it’s so important to involve communities in our work and show how the services we provide are beneficial. This means looking at what motivates people to be involved, who can get involved, and what changes they want to see.

In order for us to promote our service within the wider community by showing how the services we provide are beneficial, it’s important that we look at what motivates people to be involved, who can get involved, and what changes they want to see.

Development of leadership and management practice

In order for us to develop leadership and management practices that will positively impact our organisation, it’s essential for us to have a thorough understanding of the different aspects of leadership and management. This is necessary in order to know what skills are required in terms of service delivery.

To develop leadership and management practices that will positively impact our organisation, it’s essential for us to have a thorough understanding of the different aspects of leadership and management.

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LO7: Lead practice in managing concerns and complaints in adult care

In order to lead practice in managing concerns and complaints about our service, it’s important that we have a thorough understanding of what constitutes a concern or complaint. We also need to know how we should go about resolving these issues appropriately.

In order for us to manage concerns and complaints effectively, it’s important that we have a good understanding of what constitutes a concern or complaint and how we should resolve these.

It’s important that we monitor and review systems and processes to manage concerns and complaints in terms of their impact on our service delivery. This also means knowing how these processes link with risk management and safeguarding so that we can ensure a safe and appropriate environment.

In order to monitor concerns and complaints about our services as well as know-how these processes link with risk management and safeguarding, it’s important that we know the impact of these on our service delivery.

Learners ensure that the regulatory requirements, codes of practice, and guidance for managing concerns and complaints are embedded within organizational systems and processes

As part of ensuring that the regulatory requirements for managing concerns and complaints are embedded within our systems and processes, it’s important for us to be aware of the standards required in terms of making sure they are met so that all service users can have their voice heard.

In order to ensure that the appropriate standards are met in terms of the regulatory requirements for managing concerns and complaints, it’s important that we are aware of these standards.

Learners understand why those who use services may be reluctant to raise concerns or complaints

It’s important for us to understand why people who use services may be reluctant to raise concerns or complaints about the service they receive, as well as their experiences of voicing these. This can help us identify where our strengths and areas for development are in terms of how we handle concerns and complaints.

In order to understand why people who use services may be reluctant to raise concerns or complaints, we need to know what their experiences of doing this are. This will help us identify where our strengths and areas for development lie.

Learners promote a culture where attitudes and approaches ensure concerns and complaints directly influence service improvement

It’s important that we promote a culture in our organization where attitudes and approaches are in place to ensure that concerns and complaints directly influence service improvement. For this to happen, it’s essential that they are voiced at all levels within the organisation.

In order for us to promote a culture where attitudes and approaches impact service improvement through concerns and complaints, it’s important that these are voiced at all levels within the organisation.

Learners support team members to understand systems and processes relating to concerns and complaints

It’s important that our team members understand the systems and processes relating to concerns and complaints so that they are able to apply them appropriately. This means ensuring training is provided where necessary.

In order for us to support our staff in terms of understanding how their role links with concerns and complaints, it’s essential that training is given where necessary.

Learners ensure information and support is in place to enable those using services and their carers to raise concerns and make complaints when they wish to do so

It’s important that information and support are in place to enable those who use services and their carers to raise concerns or complaints about the service they receive when they wish. This will ensure there are no barriers stopping them from doing this which can be anything from not knowing how to do this, through not having someone available at the time they wish, to not knowing how the process works.

In order for us to ensure that information and support can be accessed in order that those who use services and their carers are able to raise concerns or complaints without barriers, it’s essential we know what these barriers might be. This will help us overcome them in providing information and support where this is needed.

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