1.1 Ways legislation and regulation influence relationships with others

Course: NVQ Level 5 Diploma In Leadership & Management for Adult Care

Unit 4: Relationships & Partnership Working

LO1: Understand the context of relationships and partnership working

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1.1 Ways legislation and regulation influence relationships with others

One of the key ways in which legislation and regulation can influence relationships is by shaping the way that organizations work together. In particular, good regulation can help to create strong and effective partnerships between different organizations, which can then be better equipped to deliver high-quality services that meet the needs of people and communities.

Legislation and regulation can also help to protect the interests of people who use services, by ensuring that they are able to access quality care and support that meets their needs. This can be achieved by setting out clear standards for service provision, and by establishing a complaints process through which people can raise any concerns they have about their experience of care.

Finally, legislation and regulation can play an important role in supporting positive relationships between professionals and people who use care services. This can be achieved by promoting high standards of conduct, for example through the establishment of codes of ethics, and by building in opportunities for personal development that will equip employees to meet these standards.

The use of inter-agency working has been shown to result in better outcomes for both individuals and society as a whole. Integration is an important concept that’s found its way into several pieces of law, regulation guidelines policy – here are some examples.

Care Act 2014

A local authority must arrange for persons who may be provided with relevant information by the local authority, or who are likely to need support from the local authority, to be given an opportunity to express their views and wishes about how their needs should be met.

It is important to seek out the views and wishes of all service users, not just those with care and support needs. If you are commissioned by an organization providing services on behalf of another, it’s best practice to request that they do this for you. Integration is also important within the access to health care services.

The Care Act 2014 ensures those who need care and support as well as those who provide such services so as to integrate the sector as the government’s vision of an entirely person-centered system of care is delivered.

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Health and Social Care Act 2012

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 sets out a clear expectation that health bodies should actively seek to prevent people from using emergency care services where it is appropriate for them to do so by offering health or social care services.

For example, NHS trusts may choose to work with Local Authorities (LA) on schemes that allow people who are likely to make high use of acute hospital services to be assessed for their suitability for care in the community. The aim is to provide people with more appropriate levels of care, which might include preventing them from moving into residential care when it is not necessary.

The Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) is a place where people can work together to focus on sustaining their health and wellbeing, and the health and wellbeing of their families and communities.

An HWB has a statutory role of reviewing, and making recommendations to a council on, a council’s statutory local offer on how it can contribute to ensuring that those who live, work, and visit the local authority’s area have the opportunities to live healthy, happy, and fulfilling lives.

The NHS Long-Term Plan

The NHS Long-Term Plan sets out how the NHS will be better prepared to respond to the challenges of the future. The NHS is made up of four main professions: doctors, nurses, therapists, and allied health professionals. This plan recognizes the contribution each of these professions makes to delivering care for patients, which is why it is so important to have a plan that is developed with them at its heart.

The NHS has made great strides in the last few years with its forward view plans. The newly released long-term plan is no different, putting emphasis on Integrated Care Systems (ICSs).

Other Initiatives

Two other notable examples of this greater integration include The Transforming Care Programme and the Better Care Fund.

The Transforming Care Programme is a huge push to complete by 2020, working in 40 locations pathfinder multi-disciplinary teams accountable for both health and social care.

The Better Care Fund (BCF) was introduced in 2013/14 and aims to integrate health and social care by linking together the funds provided for each. At the local level, partnerships between commissioners (NHS and local authorities) and providers are built to make this happen.

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