2.3 Protocols, policies, and procedures

Course: NVQ Level 5 Diploma In Leadership & Management for Adult Care

Unit 2: Governance and regulatory processes

LO2: Understand internal governance arrangements within own organization

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2.3 Protocols, policies, and procedures

You have to have the right systems, policies, and procedures in place if you are to run a safe, efficient business that provides good care. Procedures need to be written down otherwise staff members simply won’t know what they should be doing. You need to have clear, unambiguous protocols in place for all elements of your business.

It is essential to have a clear understanding of how your organization operates and what it stands for. This includes agreeing on ways, policies/procedures, etc., which all relate back to governance, accountability, or quality care provision within an institution like yours.

To ensure that they are adhering to all relevant laws and regulations, care professionals should review their policies and procedures. The Health & Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 require that all services meet and maintain appropriate standards of quality and safety. It is essential to ensure that policies and procedures are up-to-date, communicated, and followed at all times.

If you don’t do this, your organization could be at risk of breaching the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. This is because it isn’t just staff working for you who are vulnerable to complaints about poor care. Any member of the public can submit a complaint if they feel that you haven’t treated their loved one in a way that meets the required standards.

People can often be very quick to complain if their loved one or they themselves haven’t received the right level of care. This is where having clearly defined protocols and procedures comes in handy. Your policies should be robust enough so that you can defend yourself if a complaint arises and questions are asked about your business by external organizations such as CQC.

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There are a number of good reasons to have systems, policies, and procedures in place:

  • To protect the welfare of service users
  • To ensure that staff are following the correct procedures
  • To maintain standards of care
  • To protect the reputation of the organization
  • To reduce the likelihood of complaints and legal action
  • To ensure that staff are properly trained
  • To provide a framework for continuous improvement

Governance and regulatory processes play an important role in ensuring that your business runs effectively and that you provide good care. It is essential to have clear policies and procedures in place, and these should be aligned with relevant legislation. Staff needs to be aware of these policies and procedures, and the organization should regularly monitor compliance. This will help to protect the welfare of service users, maintain standards of care, and protect the reputation of the business.

If it is discovered that consent for research may not always be obtained, managers should look into the reasons why and take appropriate action. This could include providing training or performance management systems depending on what needs there are in order to ensure staff follows procedures properly.

The manager will also need to examine whether current auditing processes meet expectations; if they do not an improved system might need implementation. Managers should work closely with clinical managers, medical directors, and other colleagues to ensure that all policies and procedures are regularly reviewed.

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