1.4 How different leadership styles can impact working culture and delivery of service

Course: NVQ Level 5 Diploma In Leadership & Management for Adult Care (RQF)

Unit 1: Leadership & Management in Adult Care

LO1: Understand the application of theories of leadership & management

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1.4 How different leadership styles can impact working culture and delivery of service

To effectively lead an organization, a good leader needs to create and maintain positive working culture. Good leaders know that creating the right atmosphere for their teams will not only make them more productive but also improve job satisfaction among others in charge of service delivery on behalf of the company’s clients.

Inclusive vs exclusive

Inclusive and exclusive leadership styles refer to the kind of treatment a leader provides his team members. An inclusive leader determinedly strives to draw in all members of the team and create a common goal that will serve the interests of all parties involved. In contrast, an exclusive manager builds a personality cult or otherwise encourages a fear-driven environment among subordinates.

Inclusive leaders are often popular among their team members. Their consultative methods and focus on the common good enhance job satisfaction among the leaders as well as those under them. Inclusive leadership offers employees a sense of belonging, moderation, and assurance. It also stimulates job satisfaction as it gives employees a chance to make input in decisions that concern them directly.

Open vs closed

Open and closed leadership styles refer to the degree of participation that a leader offers his team members. An open leader encourages direct communication among subordinates and typically delegates tasks that require specialized knowledge or skills he does not possess himself. A closed leader involves his team members in decision-making processes but also makes these decisions by himself, even when it is clear they wouldn’t have made the same choice.

Open leaders allow for free flow of communication among team members and ensure that every voice is heard. The leader often utilizes this feedback to improve his leadership style, thereby promoting teamwork throughout the organization. However, an open leadership style takes time to implement as it requires participation from all levels.

Closed leaders are usually more efficient than open ones. They are at liberty to make timely decisions without having to consult their entire team each time. Closed leaders often enjoy greater respect among subordinates as they give off a sense of authority and decisiveness that is important in the modern workplace.

Positive vs negative

Positive and negative leadership styles refer to the kind of language a leader utilizes in communicating with team members. A positive leader focuses on the good parts of any given situation and encourages “can-do” thinking among his subordinates. He tends to offer optimistic, constructive feedback rather than dwelling on what could have been done better. In contrast, a negative leader focuses on the potential pitfalls of a given situation and tends to magnify problems. He also takes recourse to excessive criticism instead of offering guidance.

Positive leaders are motivating as they encourage team members to excel in their work. They do not spread negativity by focusing on failure or bad news, but rather use tactful words that inspire staff for future endeavors. Negative leaders are usually less popular among their subordinates. They fail to get the best out of their staff by discouraging them from even trying in the first place.

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Democratic leadership style refers to the extent to which a leader allows his direct reports the freedom to express their opinions and make decisions. A democratic leader offers all team members equal footing by listening carefully to everyone’s concerns before making any decision. This kind of leadership is open, inclusive, and usually more productive than other styles. It also promotes job satisfaction among all employees of an organization.

Democratic leaders tend to be more amicable and likable than their counterparts who possess either autocratic or laissez-faire leadership styles. Democratic leadership is also preferable as it enhances the problem-solving abilities of team members, allowing them to come up with their own solutions within a structured environment.


Paternalistic leadership style refers to the extent to which a leader puts his team members’ interests and well-being before his own. A paternalistic leader provides advice and guidance to team members instead of allowing them total free rein in decision making. Team members perceive such leaders as more accessible and considerate than those operating through open or closed leadership styles.

Paternalistic leaders provide their subordinates with the leeway to make choices and even mistakes. This encourages employees to accept responsibility for the repercussions of their actions and develop self-reliance over time. However, a paternalistic leader can also stifle creativity and initiative among his staff by constantly providing them with support and guidance.


Affiliative leadership style refers to the extent to which a leader maintains cordial relations with his team members and encourages them to socialize outside of work. An affiliative leader is kind, friendly, and warm towards his subordinates and tries to understand their individual needs. He also does not easily get offended by any of their actions or words and maintains a pleasant atmosphere in the workplace. Affiliative leaders tend to be more popular among their staff than task-oriented or transactional leaders, who possess either autocratic or laissez-faire leadership styles respectively.

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Laissez-faire leadership style refers to the extent to which a leader is indifferent towards his team members and leaves most of their decisions and actions untouched. A laissez-faire leader does not feel obliged to provide guidance or motivation during tough times, although he may do so selectively. While this kind of leader is not very involved in organizational activities, team members appreciate the sense of autonomy they are accorded.

An individual with a laissez-faire leadership style does not seek control over his subordinates or try to micromanage them. However, he may become easily distracted and disengaged from work if he fails to take up any responsibilities within an organization. Such leaders are also unlikely to be able to motivate their team members, who may end up becoming unmotivated themselves.


Commanding leadership style refers to the extent to which a leader exerts his authority over his team members. A commanding leader is proactive in initiating important decisions, rather than leaving it up to his subordinates or superiors. Team members are expected to look up to their commanding leaders for direction and guidance.

A commanding leader possesses a clear vision of where he wants to take his team and how he plans to get there. He is able to align the goals of all members of his team towards a unified objective and, in doing so, provides them with a sense of purpose and direction. Commanding leaders may not be very popular among their subordinates though, due to their tendency towards an autocratic leadership style.


Visionary leadership style refers to the extent to which a leader possesses foresight and is able to predict organizational trends. A visionary leader can detect changes in his team members’ needs and provide them with the necessary support before the change actually occurs. Visionary leaders are capable of thinking outside the box when it comes to making decisions that directly influence their teams or organizations.

A visionary leader is able to act as a change agent within an organization by motivating his team members to accept changes that are beneficial for them in long term. He also encourages risk-taking and experimentation, which enables his team members to think out of the box and discover innovative ways of achieving their goals. Visionary leaders tend to be more popular than transactional leaders, who possess either autocratic or laissez-faire leadership styles respectively.

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