Lalitha is a 29-year-old female who is divorced with 2 children, a 4-year-old daughter, and a 10-year-old son: Basic Counseling Skills Case Study, UOA, UK

University University of Aberdeen (UOA)
Subject Basic Counseling Skills

Lalitha is a 29-year-old female who is divorced with 2 children, a 4-year-old daughter, and a 10-year-old son. She is currently married to Wijaya and they have been together for about a year. Lalitha presents to counseling with multiple concerns. She reports feeling the following: tired and lethargic most of the time and does not sleep well. decreased motivation in general, discontent in her life, and feeling like a dark cloud following her around. and she does not enjoy her life as she once did.

She states “I feel like every day is just a struggle and I don’t know where to turn.” She also reports having a lot of relationship problems and challenges with her son. In her relationship with Wijaya, she feels that he ignores her and puts everything else first that he just stays with her because he has nowhere else to go. and that he doesn’t even want to talk to her about how she is feeling in her life.

She said that she loves him but is not sure she wants to stay in the relationship. She states that she cannot trust Wijaya even though she has no reason not to trust him. She also states that her son is getting in trouble in school and she is at a loss for what to do. He has been sent home a few times in the past three months for fighting physically and verbally. and she feels like she is a bad mother because she does not know what to do to help him.

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