Evaluate theory and practice in the fields of flexible working and organizational resilience: CIPD Level 7 Strategic People Management Assignment, UK

University Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Subject CIPD Level 7 Strategic People Management

Question 11
3.3 Evaluate theory and practice in the fields of flexible working and organizational resilience.

Evaluate the case for and against the introduction of a four-day working week. Illustrate your answer with examples and references to published research.

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Pointers for students:
Why the current drive to a four-day week and who is proposing this change? Critically review the research evidence that a four-day week produces positive outcomes. The outcomes commonly include:
 Enhanced employee well-being and engagement:
 Increased productivity and creativity:
 Improved work-life balance
 Improved ability to recruit and retain staff.
Studies by Lutter (2020) and Rodriguez (2021) suggest that the feasibility and impact of a four-day working week might vary across sectors and cultures due to differences in operational requirements, customer expectations, and work norms.

What arguments to the researchers make in explaining the link between the four-day week and these positive outcomes? There are, however, also indications that the downside may outweigh the advantages, including:
 Potential decrease in output and customer service:
 Financial implications and costs:
 Sectoral and cultural variances: the feasibility and impact of a four-day working week might vary across sectors and cultures due to differences in operational requirements, customer expectations, and work norms. What arguments to the researchers make in explaining the link between the four day week and these negative outcomes?

Given your reading of the evidence, and potentially your own experience of a four-day week, when do you believe it is most likely to be effective, and when is it more likely that the disadvantages will outweigh the advantages.

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