CIPD Level 3 3CO03: Demonstrate proactive approaches to developing, recording and reflecting on your professional knowledge, skills and experience: Core behaviours for people professionals, Assignment, UK

Task Two – Professional Development This task continues your professional review by requiring you to consider the impact of your chosen CPD activities on your performance and behaviours. To comp
| George Orwell | 20th May 2024

CIPD Level 3 3CO03: Explain ethical principles and professional values including how these can inform approaches to work: Core behaviours for people professionals, Assignment, UK

Introduction:  This unit introduces the core behaviours for people professionals, focusing on ethical practice to create value. It considers how certain ways of thinking and acting should be univers
| George Orwell | 20th May 2024

CIPD Level 3 3CO03 Core behaviours for people professionals, Assignment, UK

Introduction:  This unit introduces the core behaviours for people professionals, focusing on ethical practice to create value. It considers how certain ways of thinking and acting should be univers
| George Orwell | 20th May 2024

5CO01:Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the organisation structure in your organisation :Organizational Performance and Culture in Practice, Assignment, CIPD, UK

Task Questions: 1. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the organisation structure in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar) and evaluate the advantages and disadv
| George Orwell | 16th May 2024

Why learning and development activities are of benefit to individuals and organisations: CIPD Level 3, 3CO04 Essentials of people practice, Assignment, UK

Task 5 – 6.1 Explain why learning and development activities are of benefit to individuals and organisations.  6.2 Describe different types of learning needs and reasons why they arise for indi
| George Orwell | 14th May 2024

Explain the purpose and components of performance management: CIPD Level 3, 3CO04 Essentials of people practice, Assignment, UK

Task 4 –  4.1 Explain the purpose and components of performance management.  4.2 Explain factors that need to be considered when managing performance.  4.3 Explain different methods of per
| George Orwell | 14th May 2024

CIPD Level 3: Develop selection criteria and shortlist candidate applications for interview for an identified role: 3CO04 Essentials of people practice, Assignment, UK

Task two – 2.2 Develop selection criteria and shortlist candidate applications for interview for an identified role.  2.3 Participate effectively in a selection interview and the decision-makin
| George Orwell | 14th May 2024

CIPD Level 3, 3CO04 Essentials of people practice: Explain different ways in which you can prepare information for specified roles, Assignment, UK

Task one:-  1.1 Explain each stage of the employee life cycle and the role of the people professional in it.   1.2 Explain different ways in which you can prepare information for specified role
| George Orwell | 14th May 2024

‘Fostering employee wellbeing is good for people and the organization’. CIPD (2022) Drawing upon published research: CIPD Level 7 Assignment, UK

‘Fostering employee wellbeing is good for people and the organization’. CIPD (2022) Drawing upon published research, produce a business case that explains how promoting well-being strategies can b
| George Orwell | 25th Apr 2024

5OS01: Evaluate the principles of discrimination law in recruitment, selection and employment. (AC 2.1): Specialist Employment Law Assignment, CIPD, UK

Task One – Intranet Article You are required to write an article for the company intranet, which the management team can access and read. This must contain information on the legal aspects of man
| George Orwell | 22nd Apr 2024