Unit 34-LO3 Apply a range of analytical tools and techniques to business systems-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5

Apply a range of analytical tools and techniques to business systems

Course: Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Business

Many different methodologies can be used in business systems, including system analysis, process making, control of information, decision making, and customer service. These methods can often help to improve the system-level performance by minimizing or reducing disruptions and failures.

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Selecting the most appropriate tool for the context and situation

Selecting the most appropriate tool for the context and situation is not an easy task. There are many things to consider, such as: what type of business system you have in place, how it’s structured, current processes, staff members’ skill sets, and availability, budget constraints, etc.

The first step is to identify the goals that your new or improved business system will serve.

For example; reducing costs? Improving customer service? Increasing productivity? Finding out more about your customers? With a clear goal in mind, you can then start exploring which tools may be able to help you achieve these goals. There are many choices available when it comes to selecting a software package or enterprise solution including cloud-based offerings like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online.

However, there are two major factors to consider when choosing a business system that will work best for your organization: what the data is and how it’s used.

Systems analysis

Systems analysis is a process of identifying and examining the interrelationships between different parts of a complex system to understand how changes in one part might affect other parts. The goal is to identify any potential problems that could arise from those interactions, so these can be anticipated and dealt with before they occur. This type of analysis may be applied to many areas including computer networks, software design, manufacturing processes, or logistics systems.

Process mapping

Process mapping is the visualization of a process by way of a timeline, workflow chart, flowchart, or Gantt chart to identify and explore potential areas for efficiency.

Process Mapping is used in Lean Manufacturing as another tool to help achieve Continuous Improvement through regular review. Methods include Value Stream Mapping (VSM) and 5S Logical Visual Control Plan (LRPC). VSM evaluates costs in various sections within the production process from beginning to end. The goal is to determine where there are unused resources so that they can be allocated more efficiently elsewhere on the line.

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Reverse engineering

Reverse engineering is the process of analyzing a system, device, or product to understand how it works. It typically involves taking something apart and examining its features in detail. This can also be done on digital devices such as computers, mobile phones, and tablets.

Reverse engineering can be used for many purposes including removing bugs from software and designing new products that are better than their predecessors. With reverse engineering, you will know every single piece of your device so when there’s an issue with any part of it you’ll have an idea about where to start looking for the problem!

Stakeholder analysis

A stakeholder analysis is a process of understanding the various groups involved in an enterprise and how to communicate with them. Their level of participation, interest, and influence will change throughout project development so it’s important to keep track of each individual group on their own merit while still maintaining communication as a whole.

Stakeholder analysis helps determine who needs attention from management for input or feedback during the course of business operations

CATWOE analysis

CATWOE stands for Customer, Actor(Participant), Transformation, Worldview, Owner and Environment. CATWOE analysis is a method and technology for analyzing data that reveal patterns that can help identify opportunities and then mitigate those opportunities. It is a powerful tool for looking at all aspects of an organization, from the smallest level of management to the largest level of operations.

The primary purpose of CATWOE analysis is to identify and analyze business need potentials, developing from the data-driven approach into actionable insights that can help businesses achieve their goals. The second purpose is to provide stakeholders with tools they can use to understand their situation and manage it.

CATWOE analysis identifies success as crucial for a business to grow successfully or recover from failure – managing the course of action is important. As a result, CATWOE analysis helps identify positive options that may lead to business success and how it can be used to take immediate actions – CATWOE analytics help businesses to adapt, survive, and increase throughput. The fundamental principle in CATWOE analysis is that any dedicated effort spent on gaining knowledge can positively affect the organizational outcome.

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