Unit 32: Business Strategy Assignment Sample-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5

Course: Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Business

This unit is dedicated to providing students with an understanding of business strategy and how to use it in order to achieve success. The unit also provides the opportunity for students to practice different strategies so that they can become comfortable with working in an operational, tactical, or strategic role for an organization.

In order to be successful, students need to develop the skills and knowledge required for strategic planning and operational direction. They also need to be able to work collaboratively towards common goals and objectives.

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Assignment Solution of Business Strategy-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5

Successful businesses in the 21st century are those that have a strategic plan for their business. This is why it’s important to make sure you’re part of an organization with other like-minded individuals who share your values and goals. From there, you can start to work on a strategy together.

A lot of companies spend time writing out mission statements and creating visions for what they want to accomplish but don’t take the next step in developing a strategic plan or roadmap for how to get there. Strategic planning involves understanding where your company has been, where it currently is, and where you want it to be in the future; then mapping out how best to get from point A (current) all the way through point Z (future).

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit a student will be able to:

Analyze the impact and influence which the macro environment has on an organization and its business strategies

The macro-environment has a significant impact on an organization’s business strategies. The macro-environment can be broadly defined as the external factors that affect an organization’s strategies such as economic, political, social, and technological factors. Identifying how these elements may influence your company is critical to making informed decisions for future growth. In this post, we will discuss some of the ways in which the macro environment impacts organizations’ business strategies.

Assess an organization’s internal environment and capabilities

An organization’s internal environment and capabilities can be assessed in a number of ways. One common approach is to conduct a SWOT analysis, which looks at the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Other approaches include conducting a resource audit or business model analysis.

There are a variety of ways to assess an organization’s internal environment and capabilities.

  • One way is to examine the organizational structure. This can give you clues as to how information flows within the organization, who has decision-making authority, and what resources are available.
  • Another way to assess an organization’s internal environment and capabilities is to interview employees. This can help you understand the culture of the organization, how satisfied employees are with their work, and what skills and knowledge they bring to their job.
  • Finally, you can also look at financial data to get a sense of the organization’s overall health and recent performance. This information can help you understand the company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as its ability to invest in new projects or initiatives.

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Evaluate and apply the outcomes of an analysis using Porter’s Five Forces model to a given market sector

To evaluate the impact of Porter’s Five Forces on a given market sector, an analysis would need to be conducted in order to ascertain whether each force within this model is “a threat” to the competitive environment of that particular industry.

This means determining whether they’re strong enough to create barriers for entry or exit from that industry for potential new competitors.

When these threats are particularly powerful, it creates conditions that allow incumbent companies (i.e., those currently dominating the industry) to charge unfair prices, dominate markets, and give up little profits as well as enter into unproductive ventures.

Apply models, theories, and concepts to assist with the understanding and interpretation of strategic directions available to an organization

“Applying models, theories, and concepts to assist with the understanding of strategic directions available to an organization is a key component for making sound decisions. This article will explore how these tools may be applied in order to provide guidance on how best to proceed.”

This article will explore how models, theories, and concepts can be used in order to find guidance about what direction should be taken strategically by a company. The article will discuss some of the most common approaches that are typically employed when determining which approach would work best for an organization’s future success.

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