The focus of this module is to equip students to understand organizations in contexts past, present, and future: Economic Assignment, LMU, UK

University London Metropolitan University (LMU)
Subject Economics

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the business context of firms, research well-known organizations and the business environment in which they operate, and apply business principles and analysis within chosen sector/s
  2. Understand the economic context of firms, research well-known organizations and the economic environment in which they operate, and apply economic principles and analysis within chosen sector/s


The focus of this module is to equip students to understand organizations in contexts past, present, and future, and enable them to analyze the macro, micro, internal and external business and economic environments in which they operate. An understanding of the environments will facilitate the interpretation of situations and enable decisions that add value for businesses. The focus of the module is on the external and internal influences on organizations and the effect these have on business practices.

The module is designed to be used by Level 4 undergraduate students on a range of programs. Examples, illustrations, and case studies will be drawn from chosen industry sectors such as advertising, aviation, events, finance, marketing, music, transport, tourism, and applied to reinforce basic concepts. This will enhance the ability of students to understand particular business problems and aspects of the business and economic environment. Topics and case studies will cover business issues that are contemporary and relevant to the real world.

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