MANG6177: You are the Head of Human Resource Department of your company In order to organize the employee relations in your company: Employee Relations Assignment, UOS, UK

University University of Southampton (UOS)
Subject MANG6177: Employee Relations

Unit Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply the principles of employee relations in an organizational context.
  2. Determine appropriate advice relating to rights, duties, and obligations of the employment relationship.


You are the Head of Human Resource Department of your company. In order to organize the employee relations in your company, you have decided to prepare a handbook for your department which will demonstrate employee relations of the organization and mechanisms for managing employee relations.

1.An overview of the organization

2. An overview of employee relations, what is it, and its importance and value to the organization.

3. Explain the fundamentals of the employment law which is applied to the organization.

4. Suggest how an organization could improve and respond effectively to employee relations.

5. What are the different types of rights, duties, and obligations an employer and employee have within the workplace?

6. Determine appropriate advice relating to rights, duties, and obligations of the employment relationship for a range of given organizational examples.

7. Evaluate the psychological contract and support for employee work-life balance in relation to rights, duties, and obligations of the employment relationship.

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