demonstrate an understanding of social theory in the explanation of a contemporary issue: domestic violence in the media Essay, UOL, UK

University University of London (UOL)
Subject domestic violence in the media

a] Assessment 2 Brief 
This second assessment is a 1,200-word written essay that reflects

ILO1: demonstrate an understanding of social theory in the explanation of a contemporary issue. The essay must be underpinned by academic literature, include in-text citations, and have a reference list. (Make sure you have the Referencing PDF guide from Skills@Cumbria to hand when constructing your essay and reference lists so you get your referencing technique correct).

Assessment Advice:
Choose one contemporary issue and one social theory (e.g., conflict theory, othering theory, moral panic theory etc.) on which to base your essay on. This can either be an issue and theory that has been covered in the module teaching_or you can choose something _different.

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