BTEC HND Level 5 Unit 36 Client/Server Computing Systems Assignment Sample

Course: Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Computing Specification

BTEC HND Level 5 Unit 36 Client/Server Computing Systems is a unit that covers the basics of networking and how to set up and manage client/server systems. It is a great way to learn the fundamentals of networking, and it can be used as a stepping stone to more advanced courses in networking. Client/server computing systems are an essential part of many modern networks. These systems allow users to access a central server in order to perform various tasks, such as storing and sharing data, accessing applications or services, and communicating with other users.

Furthermore, client/server systems provide a platform for businesses to deploy essential services, such as email, file sharing, and printing. In this unit, you will learn about the components of a client/server system and how they work together. You will also learn about the different types of clients and servers that are available, and how to select the right type of system for your needs. Finally, you will learn about the process of setting up and managing a client/server system. By the end of this unit, you will have a solid understanding of how to design, implement, and manage a client/server computing system.

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We are discussing some assignment tasks in this unit. These are:

Assignment Task 1: Explore the concepts of servers, clients, and processes and the differences between PPID and PID.

Servers, clients, and processes are all key components of client/server computing systems.

  1. A server is a computer or software program that provides services to other computers or programs on a network. Servers typically contain large amounts of memory and processing power, allowing them to handle high volumes of requests from clients without becoming overwhelmed.
  2. A client is a computer or program that requests services from a server. Clients typically rely on servers to provide them with access to important resources and applications, such as email and file-sharing programs.
  3. Processes are the individual tasks or applications running on a server or client computer. Each process has its own unique identification number known as a PID, or process ID. In addition, each process also has a parent process, which is the program that spawned it. This parent process typically has a higher PID number than its child processes and can be identified by the PPID, or parent PID, associated with it.

PID: PID refers to the process ID, which is a unique number assigned to each individual process running on a computer system.

PPID: PPID refers to the parent PID, which is the unique number assigned to the process that spawned a given process.

The main difference between PID and PPID is that PID is a unique number assigned to each process, while PPID is the number identifying the parent process of a given process. PID numbers are generally higher than PPID numbers, as each process typically has multiple child processes. However, there are exceptions to this rule, as some processes may not have a parent processor may have multiple parent processes.

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Assignment Task 2: Analyse the communication processes between clients and servers in different application protocols with records captured from the internet.

The communication processes between clients and servers can vary depending on the application protocol being used. Some popular protocols include:

  • Domain Name System (DNS): This is a protocol used to look up the IP address of a given domain name, such as Clients use DNS to communicate with servers that host domain names and provide information about those domains.
  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP): This protocol is used to dynamically assign IP addresses and other network settings to clients. DHCP servers communicate with client computers to provide them with the information they need to connect to a network.
  • TELNET/ Secure Shell (SSH): These are terminal emulation protocols that allow clients to remotely log into a server using commands. They can be used for various purposes, such as administering servers or troubleshooting technical issues.
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): This is a protocol for sending and receiving email messages between mail servers. Clients use SMTP to communicate with server systems in order to send and receive emails.
  • Post Office Protocol (POP): This protocol is used to download email messages from mail servers onto client computers. Clients use POP to connect to servers and pull down the messages stored there.
  • Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP): This is another protocol for retrieving email messages from mail servers. Clients use IMAP to connect to mail servers and download the messages they contain.
  • Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME): This is a standard for encoding different types of content in email messages, allowing servers and clients to communicate effectively across different platforms and programming languages.
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP): This protocol is used to transfer files between clients and servers. Clients can use FTP to connect to different server systems and upload or download files as needed.
  • Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP): This is a simplified version of FTP that is used for transferring small files between systems. TFTP is often used to transfer configuration or firmware files between devices on a network.
  • Network File System (NFS): This protocol is used to share files between systems in a networked environment. It allows clients and servers to communicate with each other, allowing users on different computers to access the same files and folders.
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): This is the protocol used to transfer web pages and other files over the internet. Clients use HTTP to request files from servers, and servers use HTTP to send those files back to the clients.
  • Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP): This is a management protocol used to monitor and configure networked systems. SNMP servers communicate with clients to collect and distribute data about the performance and status of different devices on a network.

Many other application protocols exist, each designed for specific purposes or types of communication. Whether you are working with web applications, email protocols, file sharing tools, or anything else, understanding how the communication process works between clients and servers can be helpful in troubleshooting and managing your network.

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Assignment Task 3: Create a client/server model in a Linux system with User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Application Layer protocols.

To create a client/server model in a Linux system, you would first need to understand the different types of network protocols and communication methods that are used. Some of the most common application layer protocols include User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

One way to set up a Linux client/server model would be to implement UDP as the transport layer protocol, using it to communicate between clients and servers. UDP is a lightweight, low-overhead protocol that can quickly transmit small amounts of data across the network. This would be ideal for applications like file sharing or streaming media, which require fast, efficient communication between clients and servers.

Another option would be to use TCP as the transport layer protocol. TCP is a more robust protocol that provides error checking and correction, making it ideal for applications that require reliable data transfer between clients and servers. This would be a good choice for applications like email or web browsing, which need to ensure that data is transferred accurately between systems.

Finally, you could also use HTTP as the application layer protocol for your client/server model. This would allow you to set up web-based applications that use clients and servers to communicate over a network. This would be useful for developing dynamic websites or cloud-based applications, where users can connect to different systems through a single interface.

Once you have decided on the protocols and communication methods that you want to use, you can begin setting up your client/server model in Linux. You will need to configure the server with the appropriate software and settings, and then connect the clients to the server so they can communicate with each other. This process will vary depending on the type of application you are creating and the communication methods you have chosen, so it is important to consult resources like documentation or tutorials as needed. With the right planning and implementation, however, you should be able to create a solid client/server model in Linux that allows for fast, reliable communication between clients and servers on your network.

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