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Self Study Managing Groups in Adult Care, Assignment 1, UK
Subject | Self Study Managing Groups in Adult Care |
- The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of (add topic)
- The assignment comprises of questions each aligned to the assessment criteria for these units.
- When completed, this assignment should generate the evidence the EPA will need to make a judgement on whether you have achieved the knowledge needed
- To avoid Plagiarism, please add a bibliography on the final page, using Harvard referencing, citing throughout your assignment and marking of all images below the images used, e.g Fig.1
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Learner instructions & materials
Following on from the tutorial on this subject you now need to complete the following work:
There are some learning resources further down this page you may wish to look through first. Then take a look at the criteria below and this is what needs to be covered in your written work – you can approach each one as a question. A assignment template has been attached for you to complete your written work on.
- Analyse how French & Raven’s Forms of Power can have an impact on organisational culture.
- Write a reflective account about a group situation that you have led, reflecting on how you used power and authority constructively.
- Analyse the impact of ethos and culture on day to day management of groups within your setting.
- Analyse at least 3 barriers that impede the establishment of a culture that promotes group experience.
- Explain how the Health and Social Care Act 2012 impacts the group experience.
- Explain how Health and Safety Legislation impacts the group experience.
- Explain how the Equality Act 2010 impacts the group experience.
- Explain how at least 3 factors about the physical environment can affect group members.
- Evaluate at least 3 different approaches to conflict management, and describe situations where each one may be used.
- Explain how and when you would need to raise concerns about conflict within a group.
- -Evaluate current outcome-based approaches to group dynamics, including styles of facilitation, setting realistic expectations, supporting positive behaviours, managing participation & energising participants.
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