understanding of professional development and to help them explore their own development as a manager in health and social care: Professional Development and Academic Writing Skills Assignment, KLU, UK

University Kingston University London (KLU)
Subject Professional Development and Academic Writing Skills

Unit Aims

The aim of the unit is to deepen learners’ understanding of professional development and to help them explore their own development as a manager in health and social care. The unit also introduces learners to the skills necessary for academic writing, when engaging in continuous professional development.

Assignment Brief and Guidance

You are required to prepare and review a professional development plan. In so doing you should:
• Evaluate own knowledge against standards and benchmarks.
• Create SMART goals and targets for own professional development.
• Determine appropriate goals and targets to meet expected standards.
• Assess learning opportunities to meet objectives and reflect personal learning style.
• Apply techniques to review progress toward personal and professional objectives

Assignment Brief and Guidance

Undertake a critical reflection of own practice within a health and social care environment. In your reflective account you should:
• Explain what is meant by professional development.
• Explain ways of overcoming barriers to professional development.
• Determine the different sources available for professional development.
• Analyse factors to consider when selecting opportunities and activities for keeping knowledge and practice up to date.
• Compare models of reflective practice
• Describe how you would apply reflective practice techniques to improve your own performance.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of own reflective practice

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