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NVQ Level 5 Unit 510: Understand how to make effective and positive decisions: Decision Making In Adult Care, Assignment, UK
Subject | Decision making in Adult Care |
What is this unit about?
The purpose of this unit is for learners to understand and apply the knowledge required for effective decision making in adult care services. The learner will understand the purpose of individual and group management decision making, models and methods of decision making and evaluate the application of these to their own management practice.
Learners will also have an opportunity to evaluate how they use and analyse qualitative and /or quantitative data to inform their decision making within in their service area which may also help them where required, to justify decisions to internal and external stakeholders.
The unit also finally explores the learners own evaluation of their management of the range of situations in which decisions are required within their role and concludes with a self-reflection and critical evaluation of their skills in decision making and any recommendations to enhance their future practice.
Learners should consider the following questions as a starting point to this unit: What safeguards are in place for the decisions managers make?
When is it right to make a decision based on intuition?
What are the potential challenges to decision making when working with difficult situations and/or disagreements?
How does legislation impact on decision making processes?
Assessment methods may include:
- Professional discussion,
- Reflective accounts,
- Questions and answers.
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Learning outcomes
In this unit, learners will be able to:
1. Understand how to make effective and positive decisions
2. Carry out and reflect on effective decision making
Learning outcome:
1. Understand how to make effective and positive decisions.
1.1 Elements of management decision making
1.2 Purpose of management decision making
1.3 Reasons for decision making management practice 1.4 Models and methods of decision making
Assessment criteria
With examples from their practice, learners critically evaluate:
- What constitutes an effective management decision
- The effects of not making timely decisions in management
- The impact that making a management decision has on others e.g. for colleagues, teams, others
- The impact that not making a management decision has on others e.g. colleagues, teams, others
- The relationship between decision making and accountability
Learners analyse the purpose of:
- Making management decisions
Managers having to make independent decisions without consultation negotiable vs non negotiable - Managers making collaborative team decisions
- Managers having to make decisions on behalf of others
Learners explain the reasons, purpose and benefits of why managers:
Make decisions about strategy, policies and procedures in adult care practice that might and might not involve others
- Make decisions about strategy, policies and procedures in adult care practice that might involve others
- Make decisions for those in receipt of care and support
- Might struggle with making management decisions in respect of the above
Learners explore models and methods of decision making and analyse their relevance to them as managers in their leadership and management role for example:
- Group decision making
- Descriptive decision making
- Normative or prescriptive decision making
- Rational decision making-based on analysis and facts Intuitive decision making
- Mind mapping- aims and purpose
- ‘Gut’ instincts and related risk and implications without facts Professional judgement(s)
- Logical and justifiable decision making
- The difference between informal and formal decision making
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Learning outcome:
2. Carry out and reflect on effective decision making
2.1 Evaluating range, purpose and situation for effective decision making
2.2 Providing support to engage others in the decision making process
2.3 Using factual data, recommendations, suggestions and ideas in a logical and purposeful manner to inform decision making
2.4 Reviewing available information and make valid decisions
2.5 Reflecting on their own decision making practices and areas for further development
Assessment criteria
Learners evaluate their management of the range, purposes and situations for which their individual decisions are required in their service and draw conclusions in respect of their decision-making practice. To include at least five of the following
- Quality management and improvement and the role of evidence-based decisions
- Estates management
- Financial planning
- Care planning
- Policy and procedure reviews
- Staffing-recruitment
- Best interest issues
- Risk assessments
- Environmental factors
- Advocacy issues
- Deprivation of liberty issues
- Health and safety issues and safeguarding issues
- Safety and security
- Partnership working
- Sustainability planning
Learners critically evaluate how they engage and support others in the decision making process in any three of the following situations:
- Team meetings
- Staff supervision, staff appraisals
- Care assessments and reviews
- Partnership working
- Carer/advocate and/or family meetings
- Lessons learnt from the above in providing support and encouragement to others
Learners evaluate how they use and analyse qualitative and/or quantitative data to inform their management decision making which is sourced from three of the following
- Using digital technology to research data and information relevant to their adult care service
- National reports
- Company/internal formal reports
- Media reporting
- Regulatory findings
- Complaints
- Quality/service provision surveys undertaken which have been completed by others
Learners explain and reflect on how the above has enabled them to present a rationale and conclusions to justify their decisions to stakeholders in order to gain support from:
- Internal stakeholders
- External stakeholders
Learners critically evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses in the management decision making process.
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