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MBA7000: You are required to work individually and carry out a secondary research of a contemporary business organisation either from hospitality sector: People & Organisations Assignment 1 UK
Coursework written report
Task: You are required to work individually and carry out a secondary research of a contemporary business organisation either from hospitality sector, or automobile or financial sector. Based on your research you are required to submit a report of 1200 words which must proportionally cover the following tasks.
- A brief introduction about the organisation, it’s strategic intents, core values, organization structure and its suitability to its business strategy, core competencies and main competitors.
- A critical analysis of the organization structure and culture. Map the structure and culture fitness. Analyse the role and contribution of culture in achieving organizational effectiveness.
- An evaluation and explanation about the rationale behind organisational changes that have been brought into practice to support business strategies. The key drivers of change and their impact on people and business.
- Problems and limitations, that you have experienced as a researcher. The key learning that you have acquired and key insights about the organization that you have gained through the secondary research. Some recommendations related to reorganize the organization structure and some new initiatives that can further transform the culture of the organization.
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