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Level 6 NVQ : Describe the nature and role of a positive health and safety culture within the organisation: Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Practice, Assignment, UK
Subject | Level 6 NVQ: Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Practice Assignment |
Promote a Positive Health and Safety Culture
3.1 Describe the nature and role of a positive health and safety culture within the organisation.
3.2 Describe the existing health and safety culture within the organisation.
3.5 Explain how to engage different individuals and groups in the health and safety process.
3.6 Explain external factors influencing a positive health and safety culture, to include sources of expertise and advice on health and safety matters that are available to inform the planning and decision making process for the organisation.
Develop and Implement the Health and Safety Policy
4.1 Explain the nature and role of the Health and Safety Policy within the organisation.
4.2 Explain the
- input
- conversion
- output model of organisational systems.
4.3 Describe how to research the organisation’s current Health and Safety procedures.
4.4 Explain how individual and group motivation will be achieved.
4.5 Explain external factors influencing health and safety e.g. Statutory health and safety requirements and industry best practice.
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Develop and Implement Effective Communication Systems for Health and Safety Information
4.2 Explain the principles and concepts of:
- written and verbal communication
- electronic information, retrieval, storage and communication systems.
Develop and Maintain Individual and Organisational Competence in Health and Safety Matters
3.4 Explain the relationships between competencies, skills and qualifications.
3.5 Explain the principles of:
- training course design and delivery
- the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of presentation
- course evaluation and validation
- preparing, delivering and marking tests and assignments
- effective written and verbal communication.
3.6 Explain the external factors influencing individual and organisational competence in health and safety:
- Health and safety statutory requirements and industry best practice
- The quality management requirements for documentation.
Identify, Assess and Control Health and Safety Risks
4.3 Explain external factors influencing the identification of health and safety hazards, including:
- health and safety statutory requirements
- acceptability of risk
- quality management requirements for documentation.
4.6 Explain external factors influencing health and safety risk control methods.
Develop and Implement Proactive Monitoring Systems for Health and Safety
3.3 Describe the whole range of monitoring equipment.
3.4 Explain sampling routines.
3.6 Explain the principles of effective written and verbal communication.
3.7 Explain how to respond to the health and safety needs of others.
3.8 Explain external factors influencing active health and safety monitoring systems:
- health and safety statutory requirements and industry best practice for proactive monitoring systems and documentation.
- quality management requirements for documentation.
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Develop and Implement Reactive Monitoring Systems for Health and Safety
5.3 Explain reporting and recording procedures for health and safety loss events.
5.4 Explain principles of:
- fault-tree analysis
- events and causal factors analysis
- effective written and verbal communication
- how to respond to the needs of others
- statistical and epidemiological analyses of data, including the use of the normal and poisson distribution
- histograms, pie charts, cusum charts and line graphs.
5.5 Explain external factors influencing reactive health and safety monitoring systems and investigations.
5.6 Explain health and safety statutory and common law requirements regarding loss events.
Develop and Implement Health and Safety Emergency Response Systems and Procedures
3.1 Explain the nature and role of health and safety emergency response systems and procedures within the organisation.
3.2 Explain the organisation’s emergency response procedures.
3.3 Explain the organisation’s simulated emergency response procedures.
3.4 Explain the principles of press releases and media management.
3.5 Explain the external factors influencing health and safety emergency response systems and procedures
3.6 Explain the health and safety statutory requirements for:
- emergency response procedures
- first aid and medical service provision
- fire precautions
- major disasters
- ionising radiation incidents
- environmental impact events.
Develop and Implement Health and Safety Review Systems
1.2 Define the factors and features that are essential for the effective working of each part of the health and safety management system.
1.3 Define the review frequency of each part of the health and safety management system.
2.2 Define the factors and features that are essential for the effective working of the health and safety management system.
2.3 Define the review frequency of the health and safety management system.
3.2 Describe the organisation’s health and safety management system.
3.3 Define the factors and features that are essential for the efficient and cost-effective working of a health and safety management system.
3.5 Explain the principles of:
- electronic and paper record systems
- how to respond to the health and safety needs of others.
Maintain Knowledge of Improvements to Influence Health and Safety Practice
3.1 Explain the nature and role of improvements in health and safety practice within the organisation and how they can impact on the business.
3.3 Explain principles of:
- effective written and verbal communication
- electronic means of communication.
3.4 Explain external factors influencing improvements in health and safety practice:
- professional, non-professional and technical groups
- professional organisations.
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