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HR7004: Identify and justify a business issue that is of strategic relevance to the organisation and to pose and solve organisational problems (IC) (CC): Mental Wealth and Applied Research, Assignment, UOEL, UK
University | University of East London ( UOEL) |
Subject | HR7004: Mental Wealth and Applied Research |
Learning objectives applied in this assessment
1. Identify and justify a business issue that is of strategic relevance to the organisation and to pose and solve organisational problems (IC) (CC)
2. Effectively understand connected digital social and economic space relevant to your professional discipline (IC) (DP) (SID) (CC)
3. Compare and contrast the relative merits of different research methods and their relevance to different situations (IC)
4. Complete Expertise route to Digital Skills Planner (DP) (SID)
5. Develop ability to identify, assess, and regulate one’s own emotions and moods; to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions and where one has to make consequential decisions for oneself (EID) (SID)
6. Critically analyse and discuss existing literature, contemporary professional policy and practice relevant to your subject discipline (IC)
7. Use ICT effectively; to understand the importance of the proliferation of technology and access to information; and to develop competencies to realise opportunities in the connected digital, social and economic space within your subject discipline (DP)
8. Develop the interpersonal ability to identify & understand the underlying emotions of individuals and groups, enhancing communication efficacy, empathy, resilience and influence (EID) (SID)
9. Develop the ability to perceive and optimise physiological activity and responses to influence emotion and solve problems that could otherwise affect behaviour (EID) (SID)
10. Develop capacity for self-discipline, managing stress and physical resilience (EID) (SID) (UGB)
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