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Explain what additional information the researcher can obtain from the output of the multiple regression analysis: Applied Quantitative Methods Assignment, MMU, UK
University | Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) |
Subject | Applied Quantitative Methods |
Question 4.
This question concerns the results of a study on employee job performance. The researcher wanted to find out whether self-reported work stress, motivation, and amount of training undertaken, predicted job performance. All variables were measured on a continuous scale, where a higher score represents more stress, more motivation, a larger amount of training, and better performance.
The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and simultaneous multiple regression using SPSS, and parts of the output are provided following the questions. Please answer these questions based on the information shown from the output.
- a) Explain what additional information the researcher can obtain from the output of the multiple regression analysis, rather than just relying on computing a correlation matrix between these variables. You can refer to elements of the output to support your answer.
- b) Explain what the information about the standardized beta weights and the t-tests provided in the coefficients table tells us about the predictors. Briefly compare the predictors in terms of strength and significance.
- c) Referring to the logic of multiple regression analysis and what is shown in the correlation matrix, explain how it can happen that predictors which are significantly correlated with performance in the correlation matrix are not significant predictors in the regression model.
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