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ECO-5007B: Consider a two-period economy with a household and government: Intermediate Macroeconomics Assignment, UEA, UK
University | University of East Anglia (UEA) |
Subject | ECO-5007B: Intermediate Macroeconomics Assignment |
Question 1 [10 marks]
Consider a two–period economy with a household and government.
The household behaves according to its intertemporal budget constraint, but faces a borrowing constraint that prevents period–1 consumption from exceeding period–1 disposable income, which can be written as follows,
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This situation is shown in the following diagram.

Now consider a situation where the government tries to stimulate the economy via a tax cut in period 1. The government maintains expenditure in each period at πΊ1 and πΊ2, but it cuts taxes to π1β² in period 1 and consequently increases taxes to π2β² in period 2, to still obey its intertemporal budget constraint.
Is the fiscal policy via the tax cut effective at stimulating period–1 consumption? Draw a diagram and provide clear explanation about how this example relates to Ricardian Equivalence.
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