- Activity 3: Transferable leadership skills Compare your own leadership style against the characteristics of an authentic leader: NEBOSH IDIP ID1 Research Paper Course Work, OU, UK
- Evaluate different methodologies used in research and identify appropriate one: diploma of health and social care level 5 Research Paper, CMLS, UK
- Describe the 2 theoretical perspectives behind the research: diploma of health and social care level 5 Research Paper, CMLS, UK
- Give clear details of the purpose, activities, and aims of a for-profit business, and not-for business: Business btec level 2 Research Paper, UK
- Critically discuss the ophthalmic nurse’s role in the promotion of ocular health: Ophthalmology Research Paper, UCL, UK
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- SWK2203: Identify and debate different sources of knowledge and identify and discuss the individual stages in a research journey: Health and Social Care Research Paper, UL, UK
- HCR6001: Appraise the theoretical concepts and ideologies which inform Health Care and their translation into policy and practice: Global Health and Sustainability Research Paper, AU, UK
- Identify and critically analyze the external and internal environment for Zara using relevant models: Global Strategy and Sustainability Research Paper, UBT, UK
- Explain the importance of costs in the pricing strategy of an organization. Design a costing system: Managing Financial Principles and Techniques Research Paper, UOS, Ireland
- Why is this article interesting/important? What is/are the research problem(s)/question(s) and the corresponding: Accounting and Finance Research Paper, ABS, UK
- COM3005: Describe and present information from the given data: Introducing Research Skills Research Paper, UK
- Crisp Manufacturers use a wide range of ingredients however one of the most frequently used is sunflower oil: Economics Crisp Inflation Research Paper, UOC, UK
- The Hospitality Project is designed to familiarize students with how the topics presented in HFT 1002 are currently in play throughout the day-to-day: Hospitality Management Research Paper, UOEL, UK
- Prepare a critical analysis of how research methodology and data analysis is used and applied: Applied Research Skills in Accounting and Finance Research paper, UWE, UK
- BLIM508: Often titles are stated in terms of a functional relationship because such titles clearly indicate the independent and dependent variables: Research Skills Research Paper, UOL, UK
- Effectively summarise and evaluate the current research, evidence and guidelines relating to the chosen field through the use of an effective search strategy: the effects of shift work on front line paramedics Research Paper, UK
- Your grant proposal will be based on a hypothetical experimental observation where you have noted a change in the observable phenotype of a cell model: Molecular Cell Biology Research Paper, UOY, UK
- Define and then briefly discuss FIVE of the following six ideologies by describing what sort of systems: Political Systems Research Paper, OU, UK
- Choose an appropriate topic for your research project and discuss this with your tutor to agree on the focus of your work: Healthcare Research Paper, NU, UK
Demonstrate a knowledge of the research process from both an academic and practitioner perspective: Market Research Methods Research Paper, KCL, UK
University | King's College London (KCL) |
Subject | Market Research Methods |
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate a knowledge of the research process from both an academic and practitioner perspective.
- Use and implement a range of academic and practitioner research methods.
- Recognize the advantages and limitations of commonly used academic and practitioner research techniques.
- Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the ethical problems and issues related to academic and practitioner research.
- Demonstrate strong conceptual skills to be able to administer, collate and present data in both an academic and practitioner context.
- Produce an academic and/or practitioner research proposal.
- Are the aim and objectives clear, relevant, and coherent?
- Do aim, objectives, etc. go beyond mere description ie. do they involve explanation, comparison, criticism, or evaluation?
- Are the aims and objectives realistic and achievable?
- Has a comprehensive range of RELEVANT practical sources and literature been used i.e. is that used pertinent to research questions or has almost everything read on or around the problem has been included with little critical selection?
- Have the appropriate situational analysis resources been used? i.e. PESTEL, SWOT, Porter’s 5 forces, etc
- Are the sources used up to date, where appropriate, and do they have sufficient practical and academic weight?
- Does the proposal give evidence of a critical attitude towards source material? i.e. does it compare, contrast and criticize a number of relevant concepts, models, and theories in terms of their internal logic, structure, and consistency?
- Are key themes and issues surrounding the research questions clearly drawn from practice and literature?
- Do the industry and literature conversations deal with relevant, significant, and urgent debates and controversies?
- Have sources been acknowledged and referenced fairly and properly? Is the reference list at the end of the Dissertation complete and in the appropriate Harvard Referencing convention?
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