Critically examine the Estimator’s approach to pricing building work, including the Preliminaries: Built environment Assignment, LSEC, UK

University London South East colleges (LSEC)
Subject Built environment


EnglemereVillage in rural Berkshire lies a few miles from Ascot. The parish council has embarked on a scheme to build a new Village Centre comprising communal meeting rooms, changing rooms and sports facilities, complete with outdoor sports pitches. The scheme is to be financed by the Local Authority, the local community and a Sports Lottery grant. The details are shown on the following drawings and described in the Project Information Schedule (both obtainable on Canvas).
DM/07/A – Elevations
DM/07/B – Ground Floor Plan
DM/07/C – First Floor Plan
DM/07/D – Sections
DM/07/E – Foundations\Slab Layout
DM/07/F – Site Layout
Your company has been invited to tender for the entire project, including the significant landscaping works needed to accommodate the outdoor playing fields, as detailed in the Project Information Schedule. The invitation states that the rules of the tender competition shall be those of the JCT Tendering Practice Note 2012. The tender is to be prepared in accordance with the principles of the CIOB Code of Estimating Practice, the latest edition

Do You Need Assignment of This Question

Task 1

Provide an overview of the management of the Estimate to Tender process, following the principles set out in the CIOB Code of Estimating Practice. Your report is to cover the period from receipt of Tender Documents to submission of the Tender

Task 2

Critically examine the Estimator’s approach to pricing building work, including the Preliminaries

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