CIH level 5: you should explain how your business plan will be implemented and monitored, Produce a plan for the implementation of your business plan: Strategic And Business Planning For Housing Organisations, Assignment, UK

Subject CIH level 5: Strategic And Business Planning For Housing Organisations

Task 4

Produce an Implementation and Monitoring Plan

In this task, you should explain how your business plan will be implemented and monitored. Produce a plan for the implementation of your business plan. showing the issues that you will need to address in order to achieve an effective execution of the plan.  (AC 4.1, 4.2)

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  • You should explain the issues that will need to be addressed in order to implement your proposal within your business plan. This could include details of responsibilities; timescales; and required resources.
  • You should also set out the different stages of monitoring, who will be involved at each stage and how the progress of the plan will be monitored, for example the use of KPIs and a Gantt chart.

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