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Cache Level 5 SHC53 Champion Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, Assignment, UK
Subject | Diversity & Inclusion |
SHC53 Champion Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
This unit is all about how you champion and drive improvements for equality, diversity and inclusion.
Own role:
In an assignment form, firstly explain models of best practice underpinning equality, diversity and inclusion in your line of responsibility.
Research other childcare environments that have excelled in this area of how they model equality, inclusion and diversity.
Now identify the potential barriers and analyse the effects to equality and inclusion in your area of responsibility.
Research the legislation and policies relating to equality, diversity and inclusion. How do they impact on you promoting equality, diversity and inclusion within your role in your setting, analyse in detail please.
Systems and Porcesses:
Get a copy of your setting’s equality, diversity and inclusion policy, analyse how these systems and processes can promote equality and inclusion and deal with discrimination and exclusion.
Evaluate your setting’s systems and processes to show their effectiveness, and identify areas of improvements.
As a next step, propose improvement to address those gaps and shortfalls.
Balancing Individual rights:
Thinking about your duty of care what do you consider being ethical dilemmas that can occur when balancing the individual rights of a child or young person attending your setting and the duty of care?
Provide a strategy of how you will manage these occurrences and dilemmas to minimise risk ensuring you balance the risk and the individual’s rights.
Explain the principle of informed choice. How the issues of individual capacity may affect informed choice?
Evidence uploading:
While uploading evidence on Laser, only select the above criteria.
The remaining criteria will be assessed through observation/discussion later.
End your evidence with a complete bibliography with dates.
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