You will choose a locality familiar to you and identify one public health need within this area: Health Needs Assessment, UK

Subject Health Needs Assessment

Assessment Task Detail and Instructions:

Health Needs Assessment reviewing local, national and world health patterns and wellbeing outcomes. You will choose a locality familiar to you and identify one public health need within this area.

You will highlight the implications for healthcare for this public health need. Additionally for your selected health need you will identify and understand the local health services available and the role of the nurse in health promotion delivery.

Learning outcomes that the Public Health report covers

LO 1: Demonstrate knowledge of epidemiology, demography, genomics and the wider determinants of health, illness and wellbeing and apply this to an understanding of global patterns of health and wellbeing outcomes

LO 2: Discuss and explain the factors that may lead to inequalities in health outcomes. (LO 2)

LO 4: Consider how mental, physical, behavioural and other health related outcomes may be improved by understanding and explaining the principles, practice and evidence-base for health screening programmes.

LO 5: Apply understanding of national and local data related to the health care needs and associated services of a local population.

(LO5) These learning outcomes can be understood in the following ways:

LO 1 can be understood in the following way: Within your health report you will be exploring data and statistics to explain a local public health concern that you will compare to national and world statistics on this topic. You will do this by exploring the distribution, numbers and statistics affecting this population of people locally, nationally and internationally. You will then research into what the social, economic and environmental factors affecting the physical and mental health of this population are.

LO 2 can be understood in the following way: You will demonstrate how certain factors within the population that you are discussing are unequal, e.g. poverty, education, access to health, geography, which ultimately leads to different health outcomes LO 4 can be understood in the following way:

Explain how mental and physical health may be improved by better understanding of health. This can be discussed through health promotion, education, health screening and by reviewing the role of the nurse within this, and by using appropriate supportive literature and research.

The student should review what health support is available in terms of local clinics, GP practice, government led programs, charities, and nursing support LO 5 can be understood in the following way:

You will demonstrate your understanding of local, national and international health related reports by exploring and discussing the data around health and healthcare needs of the population.

Here local, national and international policy, guidance and research can be explored to add depth to the report. Please review the module definition form (MDF) to provide additional information and detail to explain what is meant be each outcome.

Outline of Report Undertake a virtual research tour that explores the health needs of a chosen community, the social services and the health services available to people, in the communities in which they live, and identify a contemporary public health concern.

Choose one county / locality (where your placement is or your local home area) Gather insight data on ONE prevalent public health concern. This data should be gathered from local joint strategic needs assessments around the health of your chosen population, in your chosen community and in relation to your field of nursing e.g. Childhood obesity rates or dental decay if you are a child nurse, rates of mental ill health like depression if you are a mental health nurse, or rates of cancer, smoking or long term conditions if you are an adult nurse.

Needs assessments data information is collated in countywide public health insight data in PHE local authority health profiles. Supportive data and information can also be found in NHS digital, Office of National statistics, NHS England Record and report on your chosen public health concern using tables, graphs and a written summary of the data. Compare this to national and worldwide figures.

What implications can you draw from this? Identify any health determinants and inequalities in your chosen locality which may impact on the public health issue you have identified, and the overall health of this community. Relate your findings to social data such as employment rates, level of education, economic deprivation Review the services and health care that is available for the public health need that you have chosen Identify local, national services, charities available for your public health concern Look at the role of the nurse in health promotion Review any screening provided in this area if applicable Conclusion Summarise the findings in your essay

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