RBP020L063S: Provide an Introduction to the Report that clearly States the Aim and Structure of the Report and Summarises the Key Issues in the Case Scenario: Leadership and Change Management URBS, UK
University | University of Roehampton Business School(URBS) |
Subject | Leadership and Change Management |
Summative assessment
This module will be assessed through an individual report on a case study called “Organisational Change Development Plan” which you will be provided within week one.
The assessment will be based on case study material which will be provided electronically via Moodle or download instructed via email. Please read the “Assessment case studies brief” that is provided on Moodle for further administrative details.
The report will require you to investigate a situation of organizational change, analyzing the multiple causes, organizational and social consequences, using academic and professional literature to support your findings. Your report will also include recommendations to lead and manage organisational change, reflecting on appropriate leadership styles, employees’ engagement and organisational development.
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Task 1
Provide an introduction to the report that clearly states the aim and structure of the report, and summarises the key issues in the case scenario. If there is data contained in the case scenario comment on that – what is the data telling you about what the underlying organisational problems might be. This should help you focus on the recommendations section.
Task 2
Investigate the case scenario, analyzing the multiple causes/triggers for change and the types of change experienced, using academic and professional literature to support your findings.
Task 3
Analyze the change situation looking into its organizational, cultural and social dimensions. Recognize the importance of culture and its role in relation to organizational change. Discuss the links between power, politics and conflict and their effect on change, using academic and professional literature to support your findings.
Task 4
Make recommendations to lead and manage organisational change, reflecting on leadership issues, employees’ engagement and organisational development.
Task 5
Produce a clear and justified conclusion.
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