EDUC7019: Discuss the range of challenges or difficulties in cognition and learning that are experienced by students: Cognition and Learning Essay, TUQ, UK

University The University of Queensland (TUQ)
Subject EDUC7019: Cognition and Learning

Discuss the range of challenges or difficulties in cognition and learning that are experienced by students with learning difficulties/learning disabilities (as understood in Australia and the United States) at primary or secondary schools or in tertiary education. Identify implications for teaching these students and briefly outline some effective teaching responses to optimize students’ learning.

Support your discussion and arguments on the topic by referring to recent academic and research literature (after 2005) located in scholarly psychological and educational publications.

Planning the Written Task

1. (a) Make sure you understand the meaning of all the key terms or concepts in the Assessment Topic. (Many of them you will have learned about in this course and from your own literature search). (b) Can you define/explain the terms or concepts? (Do not use Google – use the literature such as an educational or psychological dictionary or encyclopedia, or a research handbook.

The topic specifically refers to learning disabilities and learning difficulties. These are the students whose primary difficulty is with learning the classroom curriculum, most typically literacy and numeracy. These problems are related to difficulties in cognitive processing and are remediated by targeted teaching that addresses the development of cognitive strategies, problem-solving, and metacognition, as well as additional support with learning written language (reading and writing) and numerical calculations and support in other curriculum areas to overcome or circumvent difficulties that result from limited literacy and/or numeracy skills. Please refer to Topics 1-11. Other disabilities e.g., ASD, ADHD, or Intellectual disability are not included in this assignment, even though students with these disabilities may experience some similar difficulties with learning.

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