Dissertation Results Section With Examples

Last updated on: April 21, 2022 | George Orwell | 5987 views

Students studying MBA or Ph.D. courses from the college university of the UK face difficulty in writing the results section for a dissertation. The student has confusion related to the elements that they should include in the result, discussion, and conclusion section.  They face issues in identifying the proper format for presenting their findings in the dissertation.

Considering the issues faced by students’ the Expert team of UK Assignment help has helped the student in getting information about the way of writing the results section. They have also provided detail about the things students should consider while writing the results section.

After completion of the data collection and analysis procedure, you are required to write the result. It is an important section in the dissertation where you need to present your dissertation findings. Now students have queries related to things that should be included in the results section, so below is the answer to your question.

Elements of result section in the Dissertation

The results section is written for the dissertation and only includes the main findings of the investigation. The findings basically involve:

  • Information present in charts, graphs, tables.
  • Contextualization of information. Explanation of the meaning of data.
  • Important information related to participants or respondents.
  • Key information related to research questions.
  • Findings are drawn by analyzing the information gathered through secondary sources.

After knowing the things to be included in the results section, let’s look at the way of writing the results section for the dissertation.

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How do write results and discussion sections in the research paper?

You should also consider the type of study you have done before writing the results section. The structure of the results section while writing research papers is completely based on the field of investigation.

Review of guideline

Before writing the results section for the dissertation, It is very much important for you to review the guidelines provided by your tutor.  The guideline will help you in determining the things which you need to include in your results section.

While reviewing the guidelines, you should focus on the limitation and length of content to be included in the results section. Through reading the guideline, you will be able to judge the expectation of the reader from the specific section.

Think about your own research result

  • It is a phase where you need to mainly emphasize outcome and findings which is related to your research questions. While writing the results section for your dissertation, you need to give subheadings for streamlining the report. It is the trick by applying that you can enable the reader to develop an understanding of the findings of the investigation.
  • It is the phase where you need to pre-determine the structure of the results section for the dissertation.  You can organize the results section on the basis of research questions or hypotheses. Either hierarchical or chronological order can be used for structuring the results section.

Tips: While making the choice of structure for the results section you are required to keep in mind three things these are objectives, evidence, and audience.

 Create tables and figures for the presentation of information

You should properly number the tables and figures. Data included in the table should be self-descriptive. You should include important and complete information in tables. Figures and tables should be presented in such a manner that the reader by analyzing them can develop an understanding of the findings of the research.

Write the results section by utilizing figures and findings

the main purpose of the third stage is to present the complex data in a proper manner.

While writing the results section, in the first paragraph you need to mainly emphasize relating the objectives of the investigation or research questions to the findings. You should put effort into writing the results section for your dissertation in the past tense.

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In addition to this, you can also provide a summary of important findings after the completion of the results section. It is the technique that will help you in creating the transitions between the interpretation and discussion section of the dissertation.

Students need to define the abbreviation or complex terms used in the findings.

Revision and editing

After completion of the results section, you should review it. As reviewing technique will help you in the identification of errors or misinterpretation of information.

While making a revision, proofreading, and editing the results section you are required to ensure that research results are presented in a systematic manner. You should also revise the objectives, aim, and introduction, and should confirm that your research results are accurate.

Tip: You should maintain consistency in presenting your research results.

  • While reviewing the results you can read loudly the content. It is the technique while it will help you in the identification of small errors which can further have a great influence on results.
  • You can seek help from other people for checking the results section.

Let,s look at an example which will help you in developing an in-depth understanding of the writing results section for the dissertation.

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Dissertation results section example

Example: An investigation is being performed to analyze whether women prefer to read a romantic novel as compared to men.  In this investigation the independent variable is gender and the dependent variable is assumption related to the reading of books.

As gender is categorized into two categories that are male and female. Therefore, it is also recognized as a categorical variable.  The findings of the research can be presented using tables and graphs. You can present detailed information about the number of women who prefer to read Romantic novels.

Now, let’s look at the way of presenting the Quantitative results in a dissertation.

How do present Quantitative results?

One of the best techniques that can be utilized to present the research findings or outcome is to design them considering the research questions. After that, you are required to present research findings for every subsection.

You should also include statistical analysis that has been performed for analyzing the results. It is very much essential for you to analyze whether the research findings of all the sections are relevant to the research questions.  While presenting the outcomes you can mark the key trends, the relationship between data, etc.

Below is an example of presenting the Quantitative result. By seeing the example you will get an idea about presenting the  Quantitative result.

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Example: Quantitative dissertation results section 

For instance, an investigation was performed on Fashion companies. The main objective of executing the investigation is to assist the company in the identification of the latest trends related to clothing.  Market research or survey has been conducted for collecting information about the same. Findings of research reveal that there is a great demand for ethnic wear clothes in the market

After completion of an investigation while presenting the research results you can include the responses provided by people. You can highlight the key clothing trends in the market.  You can include graphs or charts for presenting the difference in choices of clothes among people over a period of time. Tables, graphs, charts, etc can be useful and helpful for presenting complex data.

Note: If in case the research findings are not at all relevant to the questions then in such a situation you can include extra information in the Appendix.

The regression analysis technique is utilized for testing the first hypothesis related to market demand. In the above example, fashion trends are an independent variable, and market demand is the dependent variable. The research findings reveal that changes in trends have a great influence on market demand for specific types of clothes.

The outcome of regression analysis

        Independent variable Dependent variable Hypothesis b* t P Left Value Right Value
Fashion trends Demand for clothes H1 .19 3.00 .06 0.02 1.13


Now, after gaining an understanding of the presentation of quantitative results. Let us look at how we could present Qualitative results.

Qualitative findings and analysis dissertation example 

In relation to the qualitative investigation, the research findings might not be directly relevant to the research questions. Therefore, you need to organize your results section in the dissertation section according to the themes. In simple words, you can utilize the thematic analysis techniques for presenting your findings.

You can prepare the theme on the basis of research questions and answers provided by respondents. The thematic analysis helps you in analyzing the pattern of the way responses are provided by participants. While presenting the research findings you can include quotes as evidence for supporting the points. For instance, you can include a complete transcript of an interview in the appendix.

Presentation of Qualitative findings

Example: An investigation was performed for analyzing the view of people about video games as art. The research findings indicate that the majority of respondent perceives that video game is not a form of art. Some participants have stated that creativity is there in the creation of video games.

A statement given by one of the respondents is that I think the producer of video games has utilized their creative skills for designing video games and including different features in them. The fact which has been concluded from the investigation is that many people believe that video games are more artistic.

Often students get confused about the things to be included in a discussion, conclusion, and results section. They include interpretations and observations in the discussion which is wrong. It is very much important for students to gain knowledge about the difference between the result, discussion, and conclusion section. below the difference between all three has been discussed. The things you should include in the discussion, conclusion, and results section have been highlighted.

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Results Vs discussion VS. conclusion section in the project report

 Results section: The results section in the dissertation includes the findings of the investigation. It only includes detailed information about observations in the context of Questions. The Results section in the dissertation does not include complete answers to key research questions. While writing the results section for a dissertation, you should not utilize words such as implies, suggest, etc. As all such words are more appropriate for writing the discussion section.

Discussion section: The discussion section in the dissertation includes the interpretation of the research results. In the discussion section of the dissertation, you need to relate your research outcomes with the literature review. You are also required to include the limitations of your study and the importance of research findings.

The results and discussion section in the project report are very important parts. A discussion on the result section helps the researcher in reaching the solution.

Conclusion section: The conclusion part of the dissertation consists of a summary of key research findings. It includes the complete answers to all research questions.

Below are a few tips which you can apply while presenting the research findings in the results section for the dissertation. These tips will help you in writing the results section in a proper manner.

Tips for writing a Results section for the dissertation

Here, are a few tips that you can utilize for writing the results section for the dissertation in a proper manner.

  1. Before writing the results section you are required to consider things that you need to focus such as aim, objectives, and research questions. While writing the results section you need to relate your findings with the research questions or objectives of the investigation.
  2. You can make use of graphs, tables, charts, etc. for presenting information in a systematic manner.
  3. After writing the results section you are required to ensure that research findings are presented in a logical and systematic manner. One best technique for organizing your results section is to write themes, then a table containing the data, then a graph, and finally an interpretation of information.

While presenting the research finding in the results section, you should understand that tables and graphs are important components of the results section. Therefore, you should provide a proper caption for tables and figures.

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Now, along with tips let us look at certain considerations that should make while writing the results section.

Key considerations while writing dissertation results 

 A few things which you  should consider writing the results section are:

  • You should consider the main variables of your study.
  • It is important to note that Quantitative research involves at least one independent and dependent variable. In the results section, you should define the variables of your study clearly. The dependent variable is considered to be an outcome variable. Independent variables are those which are controlled by the researcher. It is controlled by an investigator for testing its influence on dependent variables.
  • Another essential thing you are required to consider is whether variables in your study are continuous or categorical. In simple words, you need to determine the relationship between both the dependent and independent variables.
  • Continuous variables are those which keep changing with the passage of time or situation.
  • The categorical variable is those variables that have fixed values.
  • Now, after getting knowledge about the things we should consider, let’s develop an understanding of the procedure for the composition of the results section

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